Change of Heart

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After Zack brought Ivy back home she sat in her room. "He kissed me." She thought. She felt bad she felt like she betrayed Cyrus but then she remembered what he did to her to she pushed her feelings to the side. Ivy's mom was at work so she was home alone and she heard a knock at the door. Ivy slowed crawled over to the peep hole and saw Roxy, she didn't answer the door hoping she would go away then she heard.
"Ivy I know you're there I saw Zack drop you off look I came to say sorry." Ivy's jaw went slack Roxy saying sorry she knew something fishy was going on she slowly opened the door and looked at Roxy with a surprised look. "Yes I know me saying sorry its a wonderful thing the world must be ending right." Ivy could hear the hurt in her voice and she felt bad she stared at Roxy in the eyes and saw pain flashing through them.
"I'm sorry too I over reacted I mean if my best friend is happy I should be happy too. Roxy can we please try to put the past behind us?" Roxy nodded and smiled a real smile not a fake smirk or a smug grin a real smile.
"Cyrus feels really bad and he wanted me to give you this and said that you should have one for him." Roxy gives Ivy a piece of paper with big letters that say sorry. Ivy begins to smile and grabs a piece of paper off her TV stand, she hands it to Roxy. "What are they?"
"Sorry note." Ivy exclaims. "For when we have our first fight could you bring it to Cyrus please?" Roxy nods still processing the notes and she laughs a little.
"That's so cute I mean you guys must have keep those forever how did you not loss them?"
"We both agreed to keep them on the TV stand." Ivy looks out and sees Cyrus standing a little ways back and she waves at him. He gives her the sup nod and turns back away. "Well you probably got better things to do than sit and talk to me I'll see you at school." Roxy just nods again and walks off meeting up with Cyrus. Ivy looks at the paper closes the door and starts to read it and it was beautiful.

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