I Can't Believe You

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It was getting late and Ivy had to get home before her mom, she knew Zack was long gone so she sprinted home and when she got home she looked at the clock it would be 40 minutes until her mom got home so she decide to visit Cyrus's mom to tell her sorry. She went out the front door and grabbed a flower from her moms garden and walked across the street.
Before she rounded the corner she heard laughing and two voices a girl and a boy and she knew who it was. Ivy turned the corner she saw something and when she saw this something it felt like someone had grabbed her heart pulled her from her chest and ran it over with a semi truck. Roxy and Cyrus kissed and not her kissing him he was kissing her. She gasped a little to loud and the kissed stopped Cyrus turned and he tried to say sorry but Ivy just talked over him.
"I've been your friend for 4 years and this is how you decide to treat me." She was on the verge of crying but she was so mad at him he tried to talk again but once again Ivy interrupted him "no you don't get to say anything not a word because you don't get to treat me this way and get to say sorry. I can't believe you." She shoved the flower at his chest and said in a very rude tone. "This is for your mom and tell her Ivy said sorry and she has my condolences if you even know what that word means."
Ivy started walking back home ignoring his calls for her ignoring the fact that Roxy is clinging to his arm but she stopped still facing the other way. "How long have you two been together?"
"3 1\2 months." He said this calmly.
"Thanks for telling me and I hope you two are happy." She walked around the corner than quickly jogged home beating her mom by a matter of minutes.
The rest of the day she sat in her room and stared at a wall.

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