How Do You Heal A Heart

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Cyrus starting babbling and muttering words that could barely be made out.
"S....She's de." He couldn't finish the sentence and I don't blame him I just held him in my arms and told him its okay but I knew it wasn't and he began talking again this time more clearly.
"My Grandma is dead she's dead and no one cares at all my parents keep telling me she's in a better place and if that place is better than home maybe I should go to this place." His eyes dropped and Ivy noticed for the first time ever he was wearing long sleeves she didn't want to believe what she thinks so she doesn't she just stands up and pulls Cyrus up with her.
"We're going to miss the bus we will go to the third stop no one goes there no one will ask questions." Cyrus yanks his arm away his sleeve sliding up a little and she sees the cuts and Cyrus pulls his sleeve down and walks off for the first stop Ivy doesn't follow she runs to the second brushing away the dried tears. "I lost my second Grandma" she thought "she cared for me more than my own Grandma did." She saw the bus pull into the first stop so she slowly jogged to to second stop because she was almost there, she got to the stop and watched as Cyrus walked onto the bus and she turned away.
The bus pulled up to the second stop she walked on and her heart felt like it was smashed with a sledge hammer he was sitting next to Roxy she was rubbing his shoulder and she look up and her golden hazel eyes flashed and shiny look and she smiled and mouthed the words sorry. Ivy got so mad she wanted to grab her hairbrush and chuck it at her pretty fake Ariel red head, Roxy then pressed her head against his neck she looked up and kissed him on the cheek Ivy slammed into the nearest seat and hit someone with her bag it was Zack
"I'm Sorry" she grumbled in a voice so anger filled it would hold a world record and Zack laughed.
"Its okay and what's got your nickers in a twist" he said this in a very British accent
"Its Roxy and Cyrus she is being a gold digger and pretending to care and she's doing it to make me mad." She said this with such jealously and rage Zack was scared she might kill someone. She turned around and looked at Cyrus and Roxy talking like they've been talking for years. She grunts and turns back around to find Zack laughing a little. "What's so funny" she's growls.
"Your jealous and its kinda cute yet kinda scary." He said this in a soft sorts loving voice and Ivy rolled her eyes and looked away.

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