"Forgiveness (?)"

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AUTHORS NOTE: This one starts sort of like "Drunk" did, but there is a plot twist. Enjoy!

RING. RING. A faint noise was heard out in the living room, causing Max to wake up. She checked the time on her alarm; 1:00 AM. She wanted to go back to sleep, but figured she better answer the phone. She got up, rubbing her eyes as she walked to the living room. She picked the phone up: "hello?" She said, her voice tired. "Hey Max it's Lucas." He said, sounding weird. "Lucas, are you okay? You don't sound good.." she said, running a hand through her hair. "Uh, can you come pick me up from Jason's?" He spoke, this time sounding worse. "I'm coming, just don't get into any trouble." She said, hanging up. Max went back to her room, grabbing her keys and a hoodie, putting it on. She went out to her car, getting in and driving towards the house.

She arrived, getting out of her car and going up to the door. She could hear the music from outside. She opened the door, being greeted by the foul scent of beer and B.O. She looked around, seeing a bunch of high school kids, but no Lucas. She turned the corner, finally spotting him. Before she walked over,  the girl sitting next to him kn the couch, leaned in and kissed him. Lucas went with it, not pulling away. She froze in place. It felt that everything had gone silent, except for the sound of her heart pounding. She held back tears, turning around and going back to her car.

Before she turned the corner, Lucas caught a glimpse of her. He followed, but wasn't quick enough. She was gone already. He gritted his teeth, feeling horrible.

She got home, going to her room. She had her fully body under the covers, and cried silently. She couldn't believe it. He kissed someone else. Betrayal.

Lucas woke up, realizing he was in his own bed. Someone must've dropped him off last night. He sat up, stretching. He decided to call Max to ask if he could come over. He rang her, but nobody answered. He tried again, still no answer.

Max lay in bed, her face in her pillow. The phone continued to ring, but she ignored it.

It was unusual, she always answers. Had he done something wrong? He grabbed his stuff, deciding to head over to her house.

The doorbell rang, causing Max to sit up, wiping her eyes. She checked herself in the mirror, then went to answer the door. She opened it, seeing Lucas. "What do you want." She said in an annoyed tone. "Are you alright? You didn't answer the phone.." He said. "No, I'm not. Yet somehow, you can live with the guilt on your chest." She said, pressing her finger against his chest. "What did I do?" He asked, his voice small. "Since for some reason you don't remember, I'll tell you." She started, putting her hands on her hips. "I was coming to pick you up last night, but I walked in to see you kissing Chelsea." Her throat tightened as she spoke. Lucas' eyes widened. "I was drunk, Max!" He said, raising his voice slightly. "Still." She argued. "Max, please don't let that ruin our relationship." He said, hopeful for forgiveness. She slammed the door, turning around and sitting against it. Lucas stood there, staring at the door. This was all his fault. If he never kissed her, this wouldn't be a problem. He felt guilt and sadness.

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