Fifuchxu screw titles(Raph)

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*A/N: hehehehehhhhhhh... Hello lovelies ;)
I am sorry but I'm not gonna lie, I just haven't been interested in writing lately which sounds pretty selfish I know... I'm gonna try writing again my apologies if this update isn't quite satisfying but I'll at least try hehhhhhhhhhhhh :3*
~Normal POV~
After an exhilarating work out session you were laying back on the roof of your apartment humming along to My demons by Starset gazing up at the stars close to tearing up. You just couldn't take it any longer you wanted to DIE and leave this godforsaken prison called life.
What is the point? You thought to yourself close to a blink of tears. Your parents put so much pressure on you to be that perfect and reserved little girl but you want more than just that, you only want to be yourself not some fake, pathetic doll your parents expect you to be.
You heard a familiar thump behind you and let out an annoyed sigh. "Well hello there red stuff, haven't seen ya in awhile have I?" You questioned smirking up at him as we walked over to you.
"It was only two days ya shell brain.." He muttered rolling his eyes causing you to giggle. His eyes widened as you giggled,
you were so cute in his eyes that he was astonished by your giggles. He never expected a tomboy like you would be so freaking adorable, actually he did kind of notice your beauty but this is was over the top! For some reason, he wanted to see and hear you giggle even more. Maybe even kiss you, but how could he? You're a human girl and he's a hideous, mutated turtle who just happened to talk. There was no way he could possibly fall for a mere human girl that's preposterous of him.
"Eh must be a phase..." He accidentally thought aloud. "Huh?" You responded curiously confused by his outburst. "Uh nothing!!" He yelled before running off, jumping to another roof disappearing in the shadows. What a mysterious turtle, ain't he? You thought to yourself smirking as you climbed down the fire escape to your room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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