When you meet him(Raphael)

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Your parents were yelling about you again saying how much worse you were compared to your now deceased brother Zahn.(If you don't have a bro especially named Zahn. Then um use somebody else?) You just couldn't take it anymore and rushed out your bedroom from your window climbing up the fire escape to the roof. You sighed angrily before punching a hole in the worn out shed beside you,you felt a cold,pleasant breeze move your soft,(h/l),(h/c) hair causing a smile to form upon your beautiful face. (Yes you're beautiful,don't question it snowflake). Where are you Zahn? I need you....
"Sup?"A voice called out from the shadows. You ignored it at first,but responded a few moments later.
"Nothing much...What about you Mister Mystery boy?"You teased hiding the fact you were frightened.
"Ha,I'm doing great sweet cheeks.." He spoke teasing right back.
"What's your name girly?" He added still flirting walking out from his hiding spot causing you to gasp.
"(Y/n),(Y/n) the brave." You giggled,no longer frightened seeing that he was a perfectly harmless giant turtle?
"Sexy name,the names Raphael but just call me Raph and don't even think about calling me Raphie."He spoke nonchalantly. You giggled yet again obviously amused.
"Nice to meet ya Raphie but I gotta go before my parents find out I'm missing." You teased sticking out your tongue.
"Peace and don't call me Raphie..." He warned,you smiled waving him goodbye heading for the fire escape.

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