Mikey learns his feelings

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*A/N: I had an idea pop into my mind during work so it may not be the same as before since I wrote this a day after xD*
|First person view|
I needed to know this feeling that burns me whenever I am around (y/n). It's like a wanting feeling but to where you don't want to hurt the other. I decided to ask Donnie about this feeling and trailed off to his laboratory humming a melody.
"Donnie?"I called out sticking my head in the door way.
"I'm here,what do you need?"Donnie questioned in response.
"W-well um you see...I have meeting up with a girl and hanging out with her b-but for some reason I get a weird feeling in my chest whenever I'm near her,what is that feeling bro?"I explained with a question at hand pondering what to say next. That is till I heard a chuckle escape from Donatello.
"I think I understand what you're feeling..Haha!" He yelled out laughing.

"What am I feeling Donnie?"

"Little brother, I think you're in love~"He teased.

"I-I'm in what?"

"In looooove~"He teased yet again.

"What is 'love'?"I asked causing him to snicker.

"Love is a strong feeling of affection and concern for another person accompanied by sexual attraction."He answered nonchalantly.(A/n: Hear that ladies?heh.)


"Let's put this out simply, you want to date her in a way that she is the most important thing to you."

"S-so then I should ask her out?"

"I suppose so, well that is if she 'loves' you back..."


"Well most of the time people(& turtles) are rejected by the one they love b-but um don't worry I bet she loves...You too, now um I need to continue my 'experiment' s-so bye!"he answered pushing me out his lab. Hmm, what's his deal?Eh who cares... I love (y/n)!

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