When he asks you out(Donnie)

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*A/N: Oooooo oooo ooooh keep spinnin' arooooound!*

You were just done doing all of your homework and went to lay back on your bed for a rest but you heard a familiar knock on your window. You climbed off your bed knowing it was Donatello popping open the window and swaggered to back to your bed leaning against the wall.
"what purpose do you serve here?"You asked clearly annoyed or so he thought.
"I-I um have been wondering if we could be...P-partners." He stuttered a blush formed on his green cheeks.
"You mean lab partners?"You questioned cluelessly.
"N-no!I meant w-would you b-be my g-girlfriend..."He mumbled just for you to hear. Awe how cute!!You thought smiling to yourself.
"Of course I will Do-NNIE!!"You replied causing him to gasp and faint.
You attempted to catch him but ended up falling with him and passed out yourself at the sudden closeness.

*A/N: Well that's gotta be embarrassing ;)*

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