Random text messages(Mikey)

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You were laying in your bed nice and snug till you randomly got a text from an unknown number,saying:

Unknown: Hey, dudette!!!Remember me?:D
Your eyes widen in realization it was MIKEY.
You: Mikey?
Unknown: Well ye duh!
You smiled as you set the unknown number as Mikey just before texting back.
You: So wats up?:P
Mikey: I'm on patrol,wbu?:3
You: Same same,just laying here in my bed. How did you get my number?
Mikey: WELP See ya!Leo my big bro is yelling at meh for sum reason eh. 0^0
You: bye bye stay safe mikester!
You threw your phone back on your night stand and fell asleep peacefully,but still wondered how did he know your number.

*A/N: Damn these turtles are stalkers xD....

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