When he asks you out realizing his feelings(Raph)

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*A/N: I literally had no idea what to do with Raphael so bare with me,Kay?Thanks, ich liebe dich!<3 And yet again I'm being creepy ¥-_-*
|First person view|
I was watching Space Heroes with none other than Leonardo the blue masked dork of a brother. I have no idea how any living creature can actually tolerate this it's completely preposterous(no offense).But for some reason my gaze shifted to the ill-tempered girl arguing with the captain. I merely chuckled reminded of (y/n) but to no avail she a less attractive version of her. No being can be as beautiful as (y/n)...Wait what am I thinking...Am I in love?Holy shell I am!
-//Time Skip//-
~Normal POV~
You were doing push ups on your bedroom floor, it lasted for about 20 rounds before you fell down in shock hearing a sudden yet familiar knock on your window,Raph...
You quickly jumped up on your feet embarrassed from the fall earlier and opened your window seeing a smirk formed on his lips. He relunticingly stepped inside closing the window nonchalantly yet nervous.
"So I 'ave been thinking....Would ya be my girl?"He questioned fiddling with the back strands of his crimson red mask.
"Yes!"You shouted tackling him into a hug stopping yourself after a few minutes of embracing.
"U-uh I mean sure why not it couldn't hurt to try out...."You stuttered looking away a blush tinting onto your cheeks,causing him to chuckle and hug you tightly.
"This is why I love you.."He whispered just before kissing the top of your head blushing himself.

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