When you meet him again and hang out(Mikey)

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A/N: Ermahgerd these last two days and well night were amazing!They practically dragged me everywhere and we had so much fun and I even saw his baby pictures!!!>u< Eeeeee. Fuck,I sound like a girl -_- Dammit Alexander pull yourself together man!No offense ladies oxo....
You sat under a tree by the skate park,skateboard in hand and took out your phone.
You: Sup?
Mikey: Yoooooo,not much dudette wbu!
You smiled at his goofy reply,just before texting back.
You: Wanna hang out?I am soooooooooo bored man!
Mikey: Sure!Where do ya wanna meet?
You: Hmmm how about that skate park from when we first met?
Mikey : Awesome!!!IBRT
You: Huh?
Mikey: I said I'll IBRT!
You: What's that?
You waited for him to text back but he didn't reply and you sighed.
"I said I'll be right there..."You heard a low husky voice whisper causing you to shiver.
"Who are you?"You whispered back.
"It's Mikey,duh!!!"Mikey yelled in his usual cheery voice appearing from the shadows.
"Why did you talk like that?You scared the bejeebees outta me!"You yelled punching at his chest plastron making him giggle,of course he didn't feel it.
"Oopsies sorry I was tryna be Batman!"He replied grinning causing you to roll your eyes and smile.
"Just stick with being Mikey." You said punching his shoulder playfully.
"Aweeee okay..."He mumbled with a pout. You giggled and hugged him,his face turning to a tint of red.

---//Time skip//---
Both Mikey and you had an amazing time together. You prank called random people and he even taught you how to wall jump on buildings!Don't even forget all the pizza you stole from pizza delivers it was awesome!Mikey didn't know why but he loved seeing the moon light reflect from your beaming smile he just couldn't keep his eyes off you. You were so beautiful in his eyes he just didn't know the words to it. Sadly,he had to go soon and waved off feeling an ache in his chest as you waved back.
"See ya dudette...."
"Umm bye Mikester...."

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