When he asks you out(Leo)

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It's been a week since you haven't seen Leonardo he has been acting weird lately and you just don't know why. Suddenly, your phone started blasting Peace out by Stephen Jerzak causing you to fall off your chair. Why is Leo calling now?You thought to yourself before answering his call sitting back on the chair.

"Yellow?"You said hearing a chuckle from Leo.
"Nope it's blue,what's up?"He replied jokingly. You couldn't help but giggle!
"Nothing much,how about you?"You answered sweetly slowly spinning in your chair.
"Haha, not much either...Hey um, (y/n)?"

"Yeah Leo?"

"S-so um I was kind of w-wondering if we could meet up tonight,if you're okay with it I mean.."

"Sure,why not?"You giggled.

"Great I'll see ya at your apartment!"He shouted excitingly before hanging up.
--//Time-skip Yay!//--
You smiled hearing a familiar knock on your window and pulled away the curtains opening the window to see a blushing Leo.
What's up with him?You thought eying him curiously causing him to blush even more taking a step into your room.
"H-hi (Y-Y/n)..."He stuttered shyly.
"What's wrong Leo Weo?"You questioned worriedly.
"N-nothing's wrong!I-I'm just wondering if you would um..."

"Could um what?"You questioned sarcastically.
"IwaswonderingifyouwouldbemygirlfrienD!"He randomly blurted out,so fast that you couldn't understand a thing he said.
"What?"You said still confused as ever. In a response he sighed clearing his throat and spoke.
"Will you (y/n), (l/n) be my girlfriend?"He questioned gazing into your (e/c) eyes.
You thought for awhile and smiled sincerely hugging him tightly.
"Of course I will!!"You yelled in response.
"R-really?"He asked dumbfounded.
"Yes really!"You replied shouting.
"Score!!"He shouted fist pumping the air causing you to giggle once more.

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