When you meet him again and hang out(Raph?)

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You were babysitting your two energetic cousins Sarah and Ann dancing around goofily, not realizing Raph was watching you from your bedroom window a smirk grazed on his lips. 
All three of you squealed in surprise hearing a tap on your window. You sighed realizing who it was and opened it up.
"What do you want Raphie the stalker?"You teased as he climbed into your room.
"Oh nothing much just wanted to have a little fun~."He teased right back.
Both Aubrey and NaiNai gasped happily tackle hugging him causing you to gasp yourself but in worry since they were tackling Raphael,Raphael the natural hothead.
"Turtle!!"They yelled giggling.
"Y/n,Y/n can we keep her!"They added causing him to glare at them. You giggled.
"Nah SHEs not for sale, but you can play dress up with her."You purposely teased.
"Wait what?!I'm no she I'm a he!!!No I dun wanna play dress up!"He shouted nervously. All three of you girls giggled and tied him up. You took out a box from your closet filled with wigs,makeup,and dress up clothes,Oooo fun.


Raphael huffed angrily as he jumped into a manhole to the sewers. He just knew he would get teased by his brothers and he hated it. He naturally wanted to just hang out with you but instead he was "attacked". Yet for a matter fact he still liked you.
He sighed opening the door to the lair only to find Mikey playing video games but before he could head to his bedroom Mikey laughed his shell off at the sight of Raph dressed as a girl.
"Bahahahaha!Holy shell dude,I didn't know I had a sister!!!"He shouted teasingly.
"Shut up!"He yelled angrily.
"Or what,you gonna hit me with your purse?"Mikey teased pretending he was holding up a purse walking like a model.
"No,but I will rip off that stupid look on your face if you don't shut up."Warned Raphael.
"Eh whatever princess see ya."Mikey waved him off walking back to the couch trying to hide the fact he was frightened.
"That's it!!"Raph yelled chasing his little brother.
"Oh shell!!"Mikey yelled scared out of his life.

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