Chapter 10 : Terrible

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Chapter 10

“(Y/N), don't fucking move!” I heard a familiar voice. That voice again. Something I never want to hear.

I tried my best to pull myself away from him but he's too strong. And he's hurting me. Everytime I move or say no, he would always hurt me. I couldn't move this time. I'm so scared. I don't want any of this. I'm scared.

“S-stop.” I whimpered and continued crying. “I don't want this. I-it hurts!”

Then, I felt a strong slap on the side of my face making me lose consciousness.

I gasped and immediately jolted on the bed while catching my breath. My hands were shaking and my spine felt cold. The hair on my skin are all up making me shiver. My vision was a bit blurry and it took some time for me to realize that it was another nightmare.

I began to scan the room around me. The bed on the other side of the room shake a bit because of Jiya's movements. She look wasted and tired. Maybe because she's from a nightout or something.

“(Y/N), what the hell? You're doing that shit again?” Jiya complained as she sit up on her bed.

I shook my head immediately. I feel bad for waking her up. This already happened so many times and I feel sorry for her. “I-I'm sorry, Jiya.”

“What? You got some sleeping disorder or something? Have you been to the doctor? Pills, maybe?” She asked too many questions for my current state to take in.

I inhaled deeply before looking at her again. “I'm sorry. It's just coming back again.”

“I don't understand but, it's fine. Okay, sometimes it's annoying but at least it's not every damn night.” Jiya groaned.

I appreciate her honesty. It's true that sometimes I get frequent nightmares about that scene but every time I wake up, I don't remember it exactly.

But it always felt real. As if it did happen to me in real life. The emotions felt real. His hand pressing me down and his weight against me felt real and I always suffocate.

“Are you sure you're okay now?”

“Yeah. I'm sorry for waking you up.” I bit my lower lip in guilt.

“Damn. Actually, thanks to you.” Jiya mumbled who's now checking her phone. Her expression lighten up a bit. “The girls are in the club. Wanna join us?”

“No, tha—”

“Oh, come on. You always reject my invitation, (Y/N). Sometimes it's okay to wind up a bit especially if there's an upcoming exam. Don't be stressed about it. It's frustrating!” She expressed.

It's true that our final exam for this semester is approaching. That's why it's important for me to study harder and not go anywhere unless it's related to academic.

“Thanks, Jiya. But I'm not going anywhere tonight.” I simply said. Besides, t's almost 10 in the evening.

Jiya sighed before standing up to grab a few clothes in her closet. I watch as she walk in front of the mirror after. She realizes I'm watching her apply something on her face that's why she looked at me through my reflection in the mirror.

“Oh, are you scared of Kelsey that's why you don't want to come with us?”

“What? No. It's not like that at all!”

Jiya let out a laugh. “Don't worry about her. She's kinda nice but she's got an opinion for literally everyone around her and has zero control over saying it or not. That's why a lot of people dislike her. But our friends knew that she's just being honest so..”

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