Chapter 8: Indominus Rex Attack/Survivors

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3rd POV:

Previously Of Kyochuu Rettou: Jurassic Park (REMAKE)

Emiko: "No! There's three people up there!!!!! They need their helps!!!!!!!" She said to them and make (Y/N) was with the others moving out right away and then they both saw Gerry who tries to rescue his daughter from the ride and then (Y/N) with Chris, Billy, Oscar, and Kai are helping the father and daughter out from the drop.

Now they finally got the daughter on the ground and the girl is safe....and the father was safe too and now they both just got the father and daughter...Dr. Harding is safe with his daughter.

(Y/N): "Alright, it's us...we are the two are safe." He said to them and make them nod their heads and then (Y/N), Oscar, Chris, and Billy were heard the gun cocking and make them turn their heads and weapons out and aiming at the culprit is a woman...she saw (Y/N) with the mercenaries got their weapons out and prepare to shoot at her. This make her who raise her both arms up and then (Y/N) with Oscar walking toward to her.

Nima: "You....and you..." She said and then (Y/N) was walking toward to Nima who was gonna shoot them and he take the pistol comes from her and Oscar put a handcuffed on her wrists.

Nima: "Now...what now?"

(Y/N): "Now...we're going home and take our ride." He said to them and her too.

Jessica: "Please, don't say that you are ride." She said to (Y/N) and make him was chuckle little bit and then the group were heading back to the vehicle car right away and they both detaining the terrorist woman who was sat on the back and make sure she dare tries to do something at it. When Billy and Chris got their guns at her who was sat there and she is got handcuffed and make sure that she tries to do something stupid right now

(Y/N): "Well, it's been long time to seen you....Nima." He said to her.

Nima: "Of course it is, (Y/N)....long time no see you....expected to seen you were grown up right now....aren't you?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Why...yes....Now look at you dressing up as a hunter huh? So what are you doing here in the island, Nima?"

Nima: "It's none of your business and concern too." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Is it my concern now, girl. Let me see what's in the backpack of yours." He said to her and then he was checking the backpack and make him was take a look at anything else in there and he did seen there was a papers also some other stuff but a canister for what she got it in her backpack. When (Y/N) was got it in his hand and make him look at her and then he asked her that it is a Shake canister and he asked her why did she really need it for and make her was tries to speak out and like a lot.

What's in the canister shake?

Then Jessica who was look at (Y/N) was having conversation with the woman and then she seen him was handsome and even better than anyone else and she really like him...but the way he was definitely doing his own perfect role that (Y/N) is going to save whoever he want to protect.

Gerry: "Jessie, are you alright?" He asked her.

Jessie: "I'm fine, dad. But I wish that I want to going home." She said to her dad.

Gerry: "I know, honey...but we still wait for the chopper arrive here." He said and then (Y/N) with the other group were in the vehicle car and they both just sat there and chilling little bit and (Y/N) was contacting with the pilot D-Caf about where is he right now. Then the pilot told (Y/N) it is going to be 4 hours right now that he is going to get there fast as he could and they both were waiting for the chopper is gonna be arrive here.

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