Chapter 1 Escaping Into A Trap

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AN: This is more of the beginning of the story and background of y/n.

CW: blood, harassment, injuries, and suicidal thoughts.

F/P: favorite pizza.


The time was 11:46, your bags were packed and you were ready get the fuck out of that hell hole. you made your way down the stairs quietly, but paused realizing that they were out on the couch in the living room. The tv was playing that stupid show they always watched.

  *maybe it was quite enough to sneak by* you thought.

Continuing down the stairs as carefully as possible, you remembered all of the creaky parts and avoided them. you were behind the couch and slowly tip-toeing to the kitchen. Finally, you made it off the carpet and onto the hardwood floor of the kitchen. The back door was right there and as you reached for the handle you paused.

*Shit, this door is really creaky, and it’s raining out. This is going to be way too loud*
  *I don’t have any other way to get out, the front door is way too close to them*
*I could just rip the door open and book it, I don’t think he will be able to catch me*
*Here goes nothing, I’m not staying in this shit hole any longer*

you ripped the door open and ran into the rain. you heard a loud yell from your mom boyfriend as he got up off the couch.

  “Fine, run off, you’ll never make it without me and the money I give this family. Don’t even think about coming back, I’ll beat you so hard, you’ll wish you would have died on those streets,” yelled Paul.

  *bullshit, you took money from me when I would get paid, I barely have anything from that but I’m out of here* you thought.

  Not caring, you just kept running through the neighbor's lawns till you made it to a road. The rain was coming down fairly hard but it didn’t matter, you were already soaked. All that mattered was finding a place to sleep for the night. After searching around for about an hour, you finally came across an abandoned building

  *it was better than nothing* you thought.

  You cleared out a spot on the ground next to a wall. After, you slid down the wall and sat down catching your breath, trying to calm down. Soon the adrenaline wore off and you realized just how beat you were by Paul. Your legs were hurting from bruises left by him, your body was so sore. Even with the pain, sleep still came over you, eventually.

…Time Skip…

A week has passed since you left the house. You were almost out of money and didn’t have a job anymore. Staying in the abandoned building was your only choice. For food you just kept getting things from the gas station.

  “Fuck! I can’t survive out here much longer, I'm about out of money, my “shelter” is absolute shit.”
  “Maybe… Maybe I should just... Kill myself.”
  “No, no I can’t do that” *I could though, It would just be better for me instead of suffering out here*
  “If things don’t get better by tomorrow, I don’t think I’ll have another choice.”

  you made your way back to the abandoned building but took a different route than usual. This ended up with you running into the Pizza Plex.

  *I could get food from there, but I don’t think I have enough money for that*
  *I could get in through the kitchen side door. They have it unlocked to they can throw trash out and get back in, perfect*

  You made your way through the alley way on the side of the building. You face the door that leads you to food, but there was one problem. You knew if you got caught in here, it would end really bad for you.

  Sitting there, you considered it and opened the door to the kitchen anyway. Right as it swung open, the smells of good food hit your nose. It fills you with a bit of joy, even though it’s something small, it still brightens your mood.

  “Damn, that smells really good. I should still be fast though, I still don’t want to get caught.”

  You make your way further into the kitchen slowly distancing yourself from the door more and more. Looking around, your eyes lock onto your F/P. Running up to it, you take a slice and start to eat.

  This filled you with joy and slowly you drifted into your own world of you and the pizza. Your worries and surroundings slipped away until…

  You quickly whipped your head around and saw Chica. She tried to sneak into the kitchen to get a pizza but bumped into the counter. As that happened, her eyes locked with yours.
  Before she could say anything or try to help you, you ran out of there. You couldn’t leave the way you came in because it was too close to her so you ran out of the other set of kitchen doors.

  “Wait… I just want to help you, you're injured,” yelled Chica.

You didn't stop to listen, all that was on your mind was not getting caught and in trouble. Your running took you to the atrium, right in front of the stage. You looked back to see Chica still chasing you. You use the rest of your strength to keep running and you find yourself at the start of rockstar row.

*Is she still there, I’ll just look back real quick*
  *She's, not there. I should take this opportunity to hide, once the coast is clear I can get back out through the kitchen*

You look around quickly to find a spot to hide. After a quick second you find some boxes by a wall. *Perfect* you think as you start to walk. You pause and your heart drops as you hear pounding footsteps coming towards you.

*Those are too heavy to be Chica’s… Oh, Shit*

You lock eyes with him, a tall, buff, gator. His red eyes pierce yours. It takes you a moment to realize he’s running at you. You try to run, but you’re not fast enough.


AN: Guess you got into some trouble. Well, now you know what the “trap” is, wonder what the “trap" will do next.
CW: Just a fair warning for the next couple of chapters, it will be Non-Con, if you don't like that then skip it.

Word Count: 1088

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