Chapter 12 Pains and Chains🍋

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AN: Yeah, it's going to be just as kinky as the name sounds. Not all smut though, there is going to be some angst in here as well.

F/B/M: favorite breakfast meal

F/S: favorite snack

F/D: favorite drink

F/M: favorite movie


You once again found yourself awake in the middle of the night. You could tell that a noise had woken you up but you weren't sure what it was.

Remembering what it was last time you woke up in the middle of the night, your eyes drifted to the bathroom. Your fear became reality when you saw Monty at the sink of the bathroom, just like before. He was silently crying as well and this made you feel bad, but you didn't know what to do.

He was cleaning everything up so you knew that he had already...cut. You just closed your eyes but you decided it would be best to talk to him tomorrow and solve the problem.

Monty finished up and came back to bed. He cuddled up to you and held your close. You both drifted back to sleep, comfy in bed.

(Morning Time)

You woke up first and crawled out of bed. You were careful not to wake Monty. You felt like showering so you decided to just get ready for the day now instead of waking up a bit more.
You got into the bathroom and put on some quiet music while you did your routine. You got out and dried yourself off. Next you put on some soft clothes and walked over to the mirror. You brushed your teeth and did your hair.
You came back out of the bathroom to see Monty was now waking up.

"Good morning Monts, sleep well?" you said.

"Yeah, what's with the nickname little guy?" Monty said in a sleepy voice.

(Sorry to interrupt, but I need yall opinion on this one, yay or nay to the nickname Monts. It was suggested but I want to know what yall think.)

*Damn, I love his sleepy voice.*

"Oh, just thought I'd give you one, since I have one," you answered.

You came over to the bed and laid next to Monty.

"Your sleepy voice is quite... sexy," you said as your hand drifted from his chest to his groin.

He caught on pretty fast. His tail wrapped around your waist and he lifted your chin so your gaze met his. You could see the lust that filled his eyes.
Without even a five second pause, your lips met each other. Monty ran his hands down to your waist, feeling your curves.
Monty slid his tongue into your mouth and down your throat.

"Aaaah~" you moaned out through his kissing.

Reluctantly, you pulled away to catch your breath. Monty didn't give you a break though, moving onto your neck. He gave you kisses and love bites all around your neck.

"Mmmm~ Monty~"

He bit a bit harder, drawing blood. You loved it though and this only made you more eager. Monty had now started to remove your clothes. Starting with your shirt and making his way down.

"Monty, I love this, but how about you lay back and relax,"

He did so, and you moved to his zipper. You could see it throbbing through his pants as you slid down the zipper. You pulled out his thick member and ran your tongue up the shaft.


"I see you're enjoying this Monts,"

You fondled his balls as you ran your tongue around his head. This caused him to moan once again. You then stopped and he gave you a confused look.

Monty x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now