Chapter 15 Games Of The Plex

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AN: Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, I have had a lot of things to do and stress from life. As the title says, you will be checking out the rest of the games in the Plex. This will probably be a two part chapter, so bare with me for it. I hope you like it and if you have any suggestions or ideas, let me know.

F/S: favorite show
F/M/F: favorite mexican food
F/D: favorite drink
F/D/M: favorite dinner meal
F/S: favorite snack
F/G: favorite game
F/C: favorite color
F/F: favorite flavor


It was the next day and you had slept late because of the tiring day you had. When you woke up, you found yourself alone in the room. You were a little sad but you knew that he did have other things to do.

You climbed out of bed and made your way to the closet. You picked out some clothes that you thought would look nice and then went to the bathroom.

…One Bathroom Routine Later…

You came out of the bathroom in clean clothes and showered. You climbed back onto the bed and just sat back. You looked at your phone charging on the nightstand and picked it up. You saw a text from Monty.


Hey Little Guy, sorry I wasn’t
there when you got up, I had
other things to take care of. (10:15 AM)

It’s all good, I’ll be waiting
(12:47 PM) For you when you get back.

You put your phone down and looked up at the ceiling. You sat there in thought for a little while.

*What to do while I wait for him to get back.*

*I could go around the Plex… But there are a lot of annoying people.*

*I could see if some of the others are busy… They definitely are though.*

*I could take a nap, or watch tv… yeah I’ll go with that.*

You turned to the remote and grabbed it. You turned the tv on and put on f/s. You sat there and watched it for a little bit before reaching for your phone. You went through some of your socials and checked a couple of games. After that you set your phone down and turned back to the tv.

*It’s going to be a long day.*

Soon you found yourself yawning and your eyes getting a little heavy. You decided that you would just take a nap. You turned the tv off and rolled onto your side. You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.

…Insert Cool Dream & Time Skip…

You opened your eyes to still see an empty room. You, still laying down, grabbed your phone to look at the time. 2:13 PM. You set it down and just laid with the side of your face pressed against the pillow.

After a bit you sat back up. You got out of bed and decided to get something to eat. You walked out of the room and once again saw the place flooded with people. You walked down Rockstar Row and into the atrium.

You looked around and saw a place you hadn’t seen before. El Chips. You walked over there and were greeted by a beaver wearing a sombrero. You were expecting the normal animatronic waiter but no. He asked what you wanted so you looked at the menu.

“I’ll have f/m/f please,” you said.

“Okay, I’ll have that right out,” he responded

You sat there for a little bit and waited for your food. It didn’t take long and he was back. Before he left, you asked him how much it was going to cost. He told you it was on the house. You told him thank you and started to eat.

Monty x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now