Chapter 3 A Confusing Gator🍋

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AN: Not much to say about this chapter but it will have a little bit of fluff.

CW: Non-Con, Blood, and fighting.


(Before you wake up)

While you were sleeping Monty saw that you were starting to shake a bit. At first he thought you were cold so he threw another blanket over the two of you. When he saw that this didn't help anything, he didn't know what to do.

He looked at your face and noticed that tears were streaming down your face. You looked, scared. Monty felt bad and all he could do was cuddle you a bit more. He pulled you a little closer to him and held you tighter, not too tight though. He ran his hand through your hair. He realized just how soft it was and got lost in the feeling and comfort he felt with you.

He came back to reality and noticed that you weren't shaking and crying anymore, you almost had a happy look on your face. Monty fell asleep soon after he knew you were ok again.

(When you wake up)

You open your eyes to see it wasn't just a horrible nightmare, you were still in his room. You just layed looking at the ceiling for a good couple of minutes.

You remember the dream you had last night, it was weird to say the least.


You were running away from home again and into the freezing rain. You were crying and hurt, both physically and mentally. You just sat there shivering in the rain but that's when you felt a comforting and warm hug from behind.

You looked up to see, Monty. He wrapped around you and held you tight to warm you up. He ran his hand through your hair and this made you feel safe and happy. You fell asleep in his arms.

(End Of Dream)

After thinking about and remembering your dream, you finally sat up and actually looked around. You never really realized how his room was decorated and what was in it. You took this chance to take everything in.

You tried to get out of bed but your legs were still sore. You sat there looking at all his decorations, the plushies of himself and the LEDs on the walls, only two colors, green and purple. The walls were green,

*of course.*

and there was art of him on the wall along with claw marks. You take note of a lot of details and your eyes land on the bathroom. You can't see in there because the door is closed. It hit you that he was still in the room.

You start to hear footsteps approach the door so you lay back down and pretend to sleep. Monty walks out and his footsteps stop at the edge of the bed.

"Goodbye Little Guy," whispers Monty.

The doors closed and you sat up after a couple of minutes. You looked to see he was no longer in the room. You still couldn't get up though.

*Little Guy, what does he mean by that?*

You lay back down, you're still really tired and your body hurts. You roll back over and go back to sleep.

...Time Skip...

You were woken up when you heard the door close. You sat up and locked eyes with Monty. He walked up to the bed and took his glasses off, setting them on the nightstand. He turned around and walked into the bathroom.
You felt a mix of emotions, scared, confused, a bit of happiness. You just layed there stuck in thought and overthinking. You started to worry more and some of that anger from last night came back.

(Monty's POV)

*God, I'm just happy today is over and I can be in my room... and see my Little Guy*
*He's scared everytime he sees me, he hates me, the only time he wasn't depressed or angry or scared was when he was sleeping and I cuddled him.*
*Maybe, if I cuddle him again, he will be calmer and happier*

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