AN: Sorry

351 8 19

I'm really sorry that it's taking a long time for me to get the next chapter out. I'm working on it as much as I can, but I have a lot of things going on right now. I do have the next three chapters planned out, I just have to right them. Sorry again, and I would work as fast as possible to get then out. As always if you have any ideas, or suggestion, feel free to let me know, I hope you all have a wonder day.

So I am just getting over a sickness, that's why I've been very inactive with this book, I can't apologize enough for that and I feel horrible for it. I'm really trying to get chapters out, I'm just finding myself with a lack of motivation and writers block along with getting sick. I want you all to have things to read, but I also want them to be good. I will try my best, but I can't promise anything. Especially because now I have a shit ton of school work to catch up on from being sick, and of course it's right before my quarter ends, how lovely. Anyways, sorry for that rant, I hope you all have a lovely day or night.

Word Count: 216

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