Chapter 20 Break In The Waves

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AN: I don’t really have anything to say about this chapter. Hope yall enjoy it!

F/F: favorite flavor
F/S: favorite show
F/F/P: favorite fastfood place


It had been about a week since you and Monty had your last day off. It’s still quite fresh in your mind as you are doing your best to eat better.

Monty had been working as usual, so you’d only really see him after work or before if you got up early. You would go to some of his shows and watch him perform, but over all you hadn’t really been seeing too much of each other.

The Plex would be closed soon so the band could have a little break. You and Monty decided that you would have another date since you hadn’t really been seeing each other too much.

It was the day before the Plex would be closed and the band was finishing their last show. You were watching in the crowd and cheering them on. The show soon ended and the voice over the loud speaker told everyone the Plex was closed and it was time to leave. While you watched everyone head for the exit, you went backstage to see Monty.

“Oh, hey y/n! Monty is over there.” -Chica

“Thanks Chica!” -y/n

You walked around a corner and up to Monty. He hadn’t noticed you so you decided to scare him. You snuck up behind him and spooked him. He quickly turned around with his hands up, but when he realized it was you, he calmed down.

“Fuck y/n… you got me with that.” -Monty

“Sorry, I saw a chance and took it.” -y/n

“Well, now that everyone is gone, is there anything you want to do?” -Monty

“I don’t really care what we do, I just wanna be with you.” -y/n

That made Monty happy, so he scooped you up into a hug that quickly turned into a kiss. He was still holding you bridal style as he started to walk back to the atrium.

“How about we get a couple snacks and just relax for the night. We do have some plans tomorrow after all.” -Monty

“That sounds good.” -y/n

It didn't take long and you and Monty were stopping at El Chips to get some food. After that, you decided some dessert would be nice as well. You both agreed on going to Bonnie’s ice cream parlor. When you got there, you saw that Freddy and Bonnie were already together.

“Hey Freddy. Hey Bonnie.” -y/n

“Hey y/n.” -both

“What can I do for you?” -Bonnie

“We just want some ice cream. I’ll have strawberry, and little guy will have f/f.” -Monty

Bonnie quickly got you both your ice cream. You stayed and talked with them for a bit, but not too long seeing as you didn’t want the food to get cold or the ice cream to melt.

You two left and Bonnie and Freddy went back to their own things. You were back in the room, and Monty was already getting Netflix up on the tv.

“What do you want to watch?” -Monty

“Could we watch f/s please?” -y/n

He had no objections and turned on the f/s. He hopped on the bed and set you down in his lap. He had his legs to either side of you. Your food was in your lap and his food was next to him. He was leaning up against the back of the bed and you were laying on his chest.

You both started to eat and watched the show. You were quite invested in it as it was your favorite. Every once in a while you would have to explain a few things to Monty. It had gotten quite late by the time you both finished your food, since you were distracted by the show.

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