🕷️┆night, dottore x f.yn

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Dottore x female reader
🕷️ angst #dottorexreader

cw: untreated mental illnesses, illegal medications / drugs , illegal surgery + treatment mentions

˖ •*

Its a scientific fact that a lack of sleep causes you to start seeing things. As for me, I've become terrible at differentiating what's real and what isn't. What's in my mind and what's in the real world. Everything is out of reach , you see with insomnia im never really here.

Things happen, but I'm not there to let it bother me. Over time I became more apathetic, I'm not a robot I understand feelings - that aren't my own.

There's no hint of sadness, happiness, anger or resentment in me, I'm just existing. Sometimes I forget I'm alive. Although I wouldn't really say I'm alive when I'm in a state like this.

I need adrenaline, I need to feel something I need to put my life at risk. If I die I will die happy, I would have died knowing that I did exist, that my memories were not fake. That I was truly a part of this world.

I'm out in the streets of Sumeru, it's a hot night but the breeze tingles against my skin.

Today is Saturday the 11th.
It is 1:49am.

The night market and the night life has begun.

No one really comes out, at least not if you are weak. Its a dangerous time. A dangerous way in which people try to do illegal business. Good thing my friend Cyno doesn't know about this. This is my refuge, where I escape to, and having it shut down would destroy me.

Where I got this information from does not matter.

I greet a couple of people and I head to the bar by myself.

"And she's here again"

I hear a voice, I look to my right and a man I sitting at a table in the corner. The light there is dim and I can not see his face, only that he wears a mask.

Nevertheless, I don't know weather this man is real or not, so I ignore him. I go to the bartender and get my usual drink. I turned to go see where the man was, but he was gone. Perhaps I was seeing things. But even so,that spot looked comfortable and quiet, so I headed there seeming it was empty.

I can't even taste my drink, I can't feel the usual energy burst alcohol gives me at first, I've grown immune it feels as though I'm sipping on water.

"Heavy drinker at my table it seems"

The masked man was back. I didn't say anything. No one seemed to have been suspicious of anyone, no one seemed to care about a masked man in here.

"Not your table" I blandly say "leave me alone"

"My so you take my table..." he pulled  a chair and sat in front of me "...Then decide to insult me. I'm quite offended miss y/n"

"You know my name how?"
My tone was dry, my voice was quiet.

"You come to a place like this and so do I, does it suprise you that I know something as simple as your name?" I didn't even see his drink until he took a sip of it, it was the same as mine. "I must say you're both feisty and boring at the same time."

"Good thing I don't exist to entertain the likes of you." My tone was still dry.

"My am I offended. What do you mean the likes of me? What are you implying madam?"

"You're a bit of a freak."


"You wear a suspicious mask like that in public and you have bondage underneath your clothes."

"Well miss Y/n this 'freak' here has a name"

I rolled my eyes "I don't care"

"Oh but you know my name" a smile crept upon his lips, he leaned forward and lightly grabbed my chin, making me look up at him. "Think hard, y/n" he whispered softly in my ear.

My eyes widened.
I do know his name.


He seemed to have realised it too.

"See" he chuckled "we've met before."

"I don't follow" I rubbed my head "I know your name yet.. I know nothing about you. I dont remember..."

"You see miss y/n.." he let go off my face and sat back down , he places his hand softly on top of mine "At first I was confused. We've known each other for half a year, but it seems you always forget me every couple of weeks."

"What..." I was struggling to believe him and my head was ringing "AGH" I screamed in pain, some people looked over for a second then went back to their own business. The owner was my friend so naturally, he came to me.

"You're great y/n but keep it down"

What a friend. He didn't even take notice of the man in front of me with an eerie smile on his lips.

I nodded.

An hour flew by and before I knew it, I was laughing and chatting with Dottore. It was the first time in a while I felt like this.

"I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back" I told him and he nodded.

Once I returned, he was gone and the bar was empty, only the owner behind the counter cleaning up.

"Have you seen the man I was with? He left so randomly..." I questioned

"I don't know what you are talking about missy but you've got to stop that." He shook his head

"What do you mean?"

"You're scaring away the costumers" he put the cup he was cleaning down and looked me in the eye awaiting my response

"I've done nothing to scare anybody." I retaliated to defend myself.

He let out a sigh and said
"Talking and laughing all by yourself tends to scare off people Miss y/n."

My mouth opened slowly as to speak, but I closed it instantly once I had realised what he said. I turned around at the door and there he was.

Dottore flashed me a smirk before he walked out and shut the door behind him.

"So you didn't see him just now? He just left!" I turned to the owner and he sighed

"Go home and rest y/n..."

Yeah. I need to sleep.

˖ •*

y/n explanation  / yn x dottore lore

In this one shot, y/n suffered from a rare illness years prior before this took place, however she couldn't afford to get treated, so she turned to the sketchy market. That's where she met the real dottore. She grew attached to him and let him experiment on her , while promising to keep her alive and cure her rare illness. Having no family and nothing more to live for other than this man, she accepted.

She however, couldn't deal with the abandonment and loneliness she was faced with after dottore discarded her. He had no more use for her and deemed their business as complete.

From then, y/n began to suffer from insomnia and short term memory loss as a side effect from dottore's "treatment". And due to the trauma and extreme stress put on her body and her longing to be with dottore, her subconscious began to create the ideal dottore that she wanted.

She began seeing him and talking to him. Only it was all a hallucination, and due to her short term memory, she constantly forgets this and isn't aware.

Y/n lives in a constant cycle:

Who is that man? He's weird.
Oh I remember the name, Dottore from somewhere.
I feel so warm around him.
Where did he go?
What do you mean he was never here?


Up next: ittosara AU

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