💌┆teacher, dr ratio x n.yn

423 7 14

Dr Ratio x gender neutral reader
💌 your calculus teacher is fed up with your lack of commitment.. semi nsfw

cw : teacher / student relations , spanking , degradation , masochism , sadism (kind of) , finger sucking

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"Everyone you may go, be sure to complete your homework, or there will be severe consequences." my teacher dismissed the class, his voice stern and clear as ever, but he wasn't even looking at us as the students left, his eyes glued to his book.

I got up and dragged my feet as I walked, I barely slept the night before and I could barely pay attention in class even if I wanted to.

Which I don't because it's BORING but still...

My professor , Mister - I mean , Dr Ratio was probably the strictest teacher I've ever come across, the last thing I want to do is piss him off.

But I realise that it's too late when I'm the last one to leave and I hear him clear his throat

"Come. Here." He doesn't even look up from the papers he's grading, when he feels I'm close enough he points at a chair in opposite his desk "Sit."

I know better than to ask what this is about. I keep my mouth shut and won't speak unless spoken to, I'll definitely make this worse than it needs to be.

Finally, he puts the papers down and sits opposite me, his eyes piercing through my soul as though he just read every possible excuse I could give for my behaviour in class. "I know you're dumb but you aren't an idiot. You know why I called you here." He took a sip of his water "You are lazy, your grades are terrible, and you lack commitment. I don't like teaching lazy dogs."

There he is with his insults. He's one of those teachers that believes if it's rough , it will help.

I open my mouth to speak but he interrupts me "Keep your mouth shut. I know every excuse on the planet and I don't care to hear it. But I must have you know, that I know why you're so distracted. At least one of the reasons."

He leans back and my mouth goes dry. My eyes explore his body, his bare arms flexing with each movement and I struggle not to water at the mouth.

"That's what im talking about" he leans forward and points his index in my face "You're too hormonal during my classes."

I freeze.

He noticed?

"Now we must do something about that, it should be simple really. Had it been a trouble at home situation there wouldn't be much I could do to help. But seeing that I'm your problem, I know I can easily punish you and fix you."

I stuttered not knowing what to say, it was all happening so fast.

"You don't speak very much for someone who is constantly horny during my classes." He leans back on the chair "But then again, it is always the quiet ones you've got to watch out for. Now go lock the door and come here" he pats his lap "sit."

Doing as told, I locked the door and uncomfortably took a seat, it was hard to be comfortable when taken by suprise. After all this is a scenario that was constantly in my mind, but never did I think that this fantasy with strict and composed Dr Ratio would actually happen.

He roughly grabbed my chin. "Face. Me."

Something told me that if I don't face him, something bad would happen. And I was dying to find out what he would do if I don't do as he says.

So I don't face him.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me, or understand the situation you find yourself in." He paused "or maybe.. you're nothing but an annoying brat. Just as I expected"

He let go off my face "stand up brat"

I stood up.

He wasted no time. Pushed his chair back so there was more space, and bent me over his lap. This position was quite.. humiliating to me.

"You have one chance to get down on your knees know before me and apologise. Beg for forgiveness and to not be kicked out of my class. Beg for me not to fail you like the idiotic student you are." A smirk appeared on his face as I looked up at him "And then I'll let you go. You won't have to be punished"

He's going to spank me til I can't sit down anymore if I don't do as he says. But something about it.. defying him, getting spanked by him.. that's extremely arousing to me.

So I smirk at him and look away. Not moving an inch from my position, his hand resting on my lower back.

I admit, looking up at him from this position and angle is very uncomfortable.

I thought he would at least say something. Call me an idiot for my choice. But as soon as I turned my head away, his hand quickly made its way to my ass, a loud spank sound echoed in the room.

"Filthy brat" he spat "How dare you be so rude" — spank "to your proffessor?" — spank "you'll learn to never" — another spank "disrespect me" — spank "again"

Each slap was harder than the one before, my hands covered my mouth after the first one so I wouldn't let a moan or cry escape.

My ass throbed with pain, but every time he touched me, I found myself squirming underneath him. Trying to get friction in certain - places.

"Don't cover your mouth you lowly pest. I want to hear your pathetic cries" with one hand, he grabs both of mine and holds them behind my back "Don't be too loud though." He demanded.

He carried on cursing at me, calling me more degrading names than I ever knew existed. After every spank he landed on my ass I would either whimper, moan like the horniest person alive or cry a little.

And I'm not complaining.

I don't think I'd usually take pleasure in pain.
But from my professor Ratio? I'm a fucking masochist for him.

"Get on your knees, pet" that's probably the kindest name he's called me today.

My ass is too sore for me to protest, so I do as he says, get on my knees and look up at him.

"Open that filthy mouth" I oblige and he inserts two of his fingers in my mouth. "Suck."

All it takes is me closing my eyes and use my imagination, and I'm sucking his fingers while I find myself moaning, wanting more.

"You really are something" he says and I can hear a growl in his voice as I moan into his fingers "your dirty, filthy mind is imagining my cock isn't it?"

I nod but don't stop. My eyes still closed as I work my tongue around it.

Until he suddenly takes his fingers out of my mouth, and with his other hand, grabs my face into a kiss.

"Now get out" he demands "see me after class again tomorrow."

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