🏹┆sick, lisa x m.yn

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🏹 Lisa x male reader , fluff
You're sick and today, she just wants to take care of you until you're better <3

cw: ill reader , 'good boy' , slight inferiority complex

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It's been 2 days since I've been sick, and at this point I became a bother at work more than actually helpful, so naturally, Jean ordered me to rest and stay home.

Not like my job is that important.

I'm a guard in Mondstat, my position changes.

I usually guard the Cathedral or the library. Monthly though, I get sent on patrol around Spring Vale. And sometimes if I'm lucky I get to go on missions in Liyue!

Really though, there isn't much to my job that requires me taking an entire week off, but I'm friends with some of the high ranking knights and so I guess in a way they care for me more than necessary.

My cousin Noelle dropped me off some food and books. I'm not bed ridden but it's nice of her.

I sniffle and cough, I toss and turn trying to take a nap, but nothing works.

I was hoping to sleep through this and regain strength but I'm in so much pain and discomfort that sleeping feels impossible.

My eyes blur, I'm not crying because of the frustration or anything, more like I've been coughing so much and my body is in so much discomfort that my eyes began to water.

I rubbed them and I blink slowly.

Am I hallucinating?

I squint and see a familiar figure sit beside me on the bed.

"Miss Lisa?"

It couldn't be her, she's supposed to be at the library around this time. Maybe I'm that sick and started hallucinating those close to me. But if this isn't real, what's the harm in letting it happen.

"It's me cutie" her warm hand caressed my skin, despite me being sick she wasn't afraid to touch me, her warmth did in fact convince me I wasn't seeing things. Miss Lisa came to check on me and I'm happy, so happy about that.

I let my head rest on her hand, rubbing closer into it, if she's okay with it, I'm okay with it.

"Not to worry cutie, I used a potion and I will not get sick from you. I figured you'd be so lonely, you do so much for us and it doesn't go unnoticed." She leans closer and plants a soft kiss on my forehead "We appreciate what you do and your hard work Y/n, you're a honourable guard."

A small smile escapes my lips "Thank.. you" I struggle to talk, my throat hurts.

She pulls out her hand "one second dear I have a remedy for you" she takes a bottle out of her bag and I don't like how the remedy is looking. I'm strong enough to be a guard but I'm not sure I can stomach whatever that greenish blue substance is.

"It's a little bitter but drink two sips of it and that will be enough. I even brought a tastier drink to get the sourness out of your mouth" I sat up as I listened to Lisa explain, she saw my expression at the interesting looking liquid she had.

"I'm going to brew it in your kitchen, you can take your time between the sips but you better have finished your second sip by the time I'm back" she said her tone now firm. She winked and left my bedroom into my kitchen.

To get it over with, I had one sip.

I coughed.

"Nasty shit" I breathed out

Breathe in.

Second sip.

I coughed and put the bottle down on the table next to me, closing the bottle.

That was disgusting.

Not long later, she's back in my room, a towel of cold water in a bucket in hand. She sits beside me as I watch her gentle hands squeeze the water out as she placed the towel on my forehead. "I'll be switching these towels every so often, your body temperature is quite hot so it should help. Now sit up properly and drink the tea I put on your table sweetie"

With the bitter aftertaste in my mouth she didn't have to tell me twice. The drink was sweet, it was perfect, I soon forgot how bitter the medicine potion thing whatever was.

"Wow you drank more of the remedy than I thought you would" she looked at the disgusting liquid, impressed. She leaned closer to me "good boy" and placed another kiss on my cheek, and then another one. Then another one.

Then again but this time it was on the corner of my lip.

She moved away and got on the bed, now beside me as she sat up, the bucket next to her on the floor.

"Be good and put the drink down, rest on my lap, sleep as much as you need. I'll be here when you wake up cutie" she smiled softly as she patted her legs, lifting up her dress a little, her soft plump legs now looking 10000000000 times better than my own pillow. "Thank you miss Lisa" I muttered before getting comfortable.

Lisa adjusted the covers, and soon I found myself sound asleep laying on her lap, occasionally waking up at the feeling of her changing the towels on my head.

I'm sure I'll be better by tomorrow, I already feel good today.

I'm glad she came to see me.
It's good to be reminded that I'm not alone, that my hard work goes appreciated.

Miss Lisa is a very considerable person and I adore her for that. I'm glad to be one of the people she's comfortable around.

I'll always be grateful to her.

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