🏹┆instagram , argenti x f.yn

214 4 2

Argenti x fem reader
-> silly and short one shot
*Argenti has liked 4 of your posts and 27 of your story highlights*

cw: stalking (?) / snooping implications

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I didn't know people still boldly made it clear when they've been stalking someone's social media profile, but this red haired man with over 100,000 followers just liked 4 out of my 10 posts, and 27 story highlights that I've got.

On top of that he didn't even follow me??


I looked over his page and I stalked back, doing the same he did to me. Except he had way too many posts up, so i just stuck to liking 10 stories and 3 posts.

See how that feels

I put my phone down and didn't think about it

Until my phone pinged and I had 5 notifications from him.

First message was a selfie
Second was a gif.. a bunch of roses with glitter and in the centre it was the words 'good morning'
Third message was "I see you enjoyed quite a few of my pictures. You have a good eye to admire beauty such as mine."
Fourth message "However, I must admit your beauty is also one of a kind, my lady. I know how to appreciate true beauty when I see it"

Fifth notification , argenti started following you

It was weird to me, I mean, I'm having breakfast.
It's not everyday during breakfast that a man with over 100k followers who only follows 20 people follows ME.

But he does look interesting to chat with...

I reply to his message, I don't understand what's happening but thanks for the compliment. Why did you follow me?

He saw the chat as soon as I sent it, I swiped off and followed him back

And I can't eat my breakfast without my notifications going off again. I have a fair amount of friends, but not that many that my phone would ping like this so often - plus I have group chats muted.

I'm not suprised when I unlock my phone and see that all notifications are from this man. He liked all my posts and even left some comments.

You're beautiful, do you think I'm not? Why is it you don't follow me back? Do you perhaps not know me?

I do in fact NOT know this man.

I let him know that and before I can think of turning off my phone, he voice calls me.

I hesitate, but I pick up the call.

"Now do you remember me?" The voice was very familiar but I still didn't recognise this man

"I would remember someone who looks like you I'm sure" my tone was dry but I put in effort to show that I wasn't annoyed "Just tell me who you are , how you found me and how the heck are you famous"

I heard a laugh on the other end

"Well dear y/n my name is Argenti, I took singing lessons with you back when we were 9 years old. I found you because your username is just your name and surname - super easy to find by the way. And I'm famous because I'm a good looking man"

This ego.

But I remember him, he was the first boy I crushed on when I was little, it was a tiny silly crush, a very innocent one. But I was happy that he found me again many years later.

We spent the rest of the day catching up, and we plan to meet up next week when we're both free.

"It was lovely to catch up with you dear, I look forward to seeing you next week and how much you've changed."

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