34 What are you missing!

7 3 1

It is always the same problem that i face 

Same struggle in different faces!

I wonder why i still facing 

Those same patterns

That keep returning to my life 

As if through a thread we are connecting

But why this is still happening to me?

Is there a lesson i didn't want to see and learn 

That everything leads to the same fucking roads 

Let me say out loud today " what the lesson might be"?

Seeking an answer out of every being!

Now i see!

The question gave half the answer

I never stop to learn and process 

What my mind consumes out of an experience!

And that's the X missing in my equation!

Try always to stop a bit and breath especially when things go wrong, and try to understand what these situation is trying to teach you! seek knowledge out of every situation, you will be okay!

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Try always to stop a bit and breath especially when things go wrong, and try to understand what these situation is trying to teach you! seek knowledge out of every situation, you will be okay!

Have beautiful day!

Thanks for your support! 

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