Chapter 11

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Collin's POV

I lie in bed reading a book. Yeah shocking, Collin Venwan reading a book! No one would have ever guessed that I like reading. But Meg recommended it, a very old book called Lord of the Rings. It's a good book too for being a fantasy story.

Anyway, I got released from the hospital yesterday, it took a lot of bargaining from me and Meg, and I have to share a room with Dat- I mean Finn, but he's not too bad of a roommate. But I feel like he would be a bit worse of a roommate if he didn't sulk most of the time...but I can't blame him. The door opens and Finn walks in.

"Hey Collin." He says walking by my bed.

"Sup?" I ask as he flops down on his bed.

"Nothin.." he says staring at the ceiling. He's probably thinking about Jem again. For a few minutes it's quiet again, until he speaks up again

"Hey Collin?"


"How are you and Meg doin?" I look over at him. Is her serious or is he joking? His face is blank as he continues to stare at the ceiling.

"I'm doing ok under the circumstances, I think she's going to be ok once we get Jem back" He sits up.

"No I mean, how are you two doing...together?" I stare at him, and I see him start to smirk, unable to hold it back any longer. I throw a pillow at him, hitting him in the face.

"Shut up. We're not together." Finn laughs and throws the pillow back at me, I catch it.

"I watched the Games. Don't tell me you're not together."

"It's like you said at the lighthouse. Meg isn't my girlfriend anymore than Jem is yours. Though you had the names switched." I say and he sighs a bit. I stare at him "Wait...are you and Jem?"

He looks back up at the ceiling "we're not could we be.."

"I know. I know. But we're you two together before...ya know.." then it clicks "Wait! You're the guy she was talking about in the interview!"

He nods and looks back at me "Yeah..and she didn't say it just to get sponsers. We just..well we almost.." he struggles for the words.

"You almost what?"

He sighs "We almost kissed...twice.."

"Almost? Why didn't you? I mean. I've kissed Meg a few times and she hasn't killed me. And Meg is much more dangerous than Jem!" I say and he laughs a bit.

"Well..the first time she was scared or something and pulled away before I could. And the second time... it was after the reaping, when I was saying goodbye, she wanted to kiss me. And we were so close but the damn peacekeepers came in and took me away from her." He sighs "I just...I wish I had told her how I felt before I lost her. Maybe we could have been happy together for a few months."

"Yeah. I get that. But wouldn't it have just made the reaping worse?" He sits up and stares at me.

"You think it would be worse if we had been together during the reaping?" I nod "'s worse like this...I don't know if she feels the same way towards me, or if she knows how I feel about her. And I might never know.." he sits at the edge of the bed looking at the floor.

I get up and sit next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "We'll get her back. And if they let me I'll go on the mission myself. I'll get her out for you."

He smirks "Thanks man. But what if they don't let us go?"

I grin "Then we steal a god damn hover craft and go get her ourselves."

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