Chapter 20

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Meg's POV

Tomorrow is the rescue mission, the long awaited rescue mission. We've been waiting for months and months for this to happen, and now that it's finally here I'm beginning to freak out a little. Nobody in our trio is allowed to go for obvious reasons. Familiarity and we are too valuable. Gag me. That statement gets annoying when it's constantly thrown into our faces.

I think I've been staring up at my ceiling for an hour or so because I can't sleep. I keep having nightmares that Collin went and he came back to me in a body bag. I know it's ridiculous since he's not allowed to go, but it's still bugging me. I let out a sigh and throw my blankets off me before I get up. I'm wearing training shorts and a tank top, like I do most nights when I head out of my compartment. I carefully and quietly make my way down the hall where Collin and Finn's room is. I crack open the door and I hear two sets of quiet snores fill the room. I gently open the door and let myself in. I shut the door behind me before I go and sit on Collin's bed.

I shake him awake and he eventually startles and in the dim light of the compartment I see his eyes open and adjust to the figure sitting on his bed. "Meg?"

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep." I say in a whisper, hoping Finn doesn't wake up, or things will get awkward very fast.

"Why, what's going on?" "I keep having nightmares of tomorrow. They're of you dying. I know it's silly, but it's still freaking me out."

He doesn't say anything; instead he slides over and opens the covers to let me in. I slide in next to him, and face him. He instantly puts his arms around me and pulls me close. My head is resting on his bare chest.

He's stoking my hair when he speaks softly. "I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here."

I kiss his chest and snuggle in closer; listening to his steady heartbeat. He kisses my forehead and continues to stroke my hair until I fall asleep.


The next morning I go in search of Collin's warm body, but there's nothing but the cold sheets. My eyes open and he's not in the room. I look over to Finn's bed and he's still sound asleep. I listen for the shower, but Finn's snores are the only sound. I get up and look to the alarm clock, which is still broken. I look for Collin's communicator on his bedside table where it usually is and it's nowhere to be found.

Leaving the room, I can tell it's still pretty early because the usual sound of people getting around is nonexistent. I go back into my room and check my clock. 5:47. Collin wouldn't be up this early to train- Oh my God no! I run down to command as fast as I can and Katniss and Haymitch stand in front of monitors.

On one of the monitors I can see Collin's face from his helmet cam. He lied to me. He said he wasn't going, that he'd be here by my side. That bastard. I shake my head and walk out of command before they notice I'm there. They've been long gone. They were scheduled to leave here around 3:30 this morning.

I go back to his room and I take a seat on his bed looking to Finn. I'm really considering waking him up to inform him what Collin did. A silent tear runs down my cheek and it lands on my tank top. I shake Finn awake and slowly he does.

"What do you want Meg?" He asks rolling back over.

"Collin's gone; he left with the other soldiers."

Finn rolls back over and sits up. "He what? How could he?"

"I don't know, but he's not here. I already went to command and saw his name and his face from his helmet cam. He left around 3:30 this morning."

"What time is it now?"

"A little past six"

"Shit" He says under his breath. He looks at me and I have tears in my eyes again. He's quick to hug me.

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