Chapter 16

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Jem's POV

I groan as I wake up. I feel worse than usual, everything is sore and my head is hazy. All of last night is a fuzzy black blur. Wait, where am I?

I open my eyes more and realize I'm in a bed. Why am I in a bed? It's comfy...what's going on? I try to sit up but it hurts to. I feel someone's arm wrap around me, and that's when I realize I'm naked.

I bolt up and punch the person next to me. I try screaming "WHAT THE FUCK!?" at them but my words slur and it comes out more like "WHUBBAFUD!?"

Karter holds his eye "Jem! Calm down!"

I practically fall out of the bed, pulling the sheets with me to cover myself "NO! WHUT HAPPENED?!?"

"Jem please, calm down." Karter says again.

"No!" tears well up in my eyes. He couldn't have, he wouldn't...this is going too far...he wouldn't...oh god... He gets up and starts to come towards me.

" liked wanted me to do this-"

"NO!" I back away from him "I never wanted this! You drugged me Karter! could you!? How could you do this to me!?!"

"I...I love you Jem..." Karter says, reaching for me.

"NO! YOU DON'T LOVE ME! When people love each other they don't do this! They don'" I can't say it. He did this to me. "I HATE YOU!" I grab a small statue thing from the table beside me and throw it at him, hitting him in the shoulder "I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!"

Then something changes; I could feel the change in the air. In a flash Karter pins me to the wall, his eyes blazing with rage. I expect him to hit me, but instead his lips slam into mine. I resist as much as I can, trying to pull away but he just pulls me closer, his teeth digging into my lower lip and I taste blood as he breaks the skin. I whimper and he finally pulls away.

"I hate you..." But it's not me who says it this time. It's him. He looks me over once and then slaps me hard, enough for me to hit the floor. "You're a little bitch who can't do shit. You thought you were all that in 13. You thought you were too good for me. Well guess what. You're nothing here."

I look up at him and he kicks me in the stomach. He walks away, grabbing a robe and wrapping himself in it, he opens the door, "Get her out of my sight"

Two guards walk in and grab my arms, dragging me from the room. And I let them, all the fight leaving me. Eventually one of them just picks me up and in a matter of time I'm chained up in my room. I lie there. Curled up like a child but cold, dead, and lost. How could he do this to me...Karter betrayed us...but this...this is too could he...

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