Chapter 10

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Jem's P.O.V.

"Look kid, you have to talk eventually. If you don't then we have to resort to more drastic measures." The man says to me. I'm strapped to a fucking chair in a dark room with a single light on me, the typical interrogation, third one this week in fact. I haven't said a word, and I don't plan on saying anything to anyone. His gray eyes bear into mine, searching for something, I can see the hate in his eyes.

Each person who has interrogated me has a different look, the first few usually try to be "understanding" then they slowly switch over to more violent motives, like what this guy's suggesting. They've already hit me, shocked me with electricity, put a gun to my head (though I've learned that to be an empty threat), cut me, injected me with stuff that makes it feel like I'm on fire, and yet I haven't uttered a word, District 13 makes us unbreakable and I intend to keep me that way.

After a moment the man gets up and goes into the darkness of the rest of the room, I hear a door slide open in front of me somewhere and then Jace is thrown into the light. Oh god no...not him. I swear if they... no keep calm, act like this doesn't faze you, act like he means nothing and they'll leave him alone after a bit.

"Talk or he dies." The man pulls out a gun, cocks it and puts it to Jace's head. Jace looks at me, his hands and ankles chained together, his face bruised from the past few days. Its funny how quickly the Capitol can go from being a paradise to a living hell. I know they won't kill me, but I know these people don't care about Jace at all. I open my mouth to them for the first time in hours.

"Look, I don't know anything that can help you! I tried telling you this a week ago and yet you don't believe me!"

He fires the gun just inches from Jace's head, we both jolt at it and my ears ring from the sound.

"You wouldn't have stayed silent through everything we've done to you if you knew nothing. Now say what you know about the Mockingjay or I won't miss"

He puts the gun to Jace's head. My lip quivers and I can feel my stern demeanor fading. Jace is shaking, uncontrollably by the looks of it, his face looking towards the ground but I can see a tear slide down his nose, mixing with blood from a cut, and drop onto the floor. This is all my fault..

"Don't hurt him..." I say, my voice beginning to crack, he's not even supposed to be here, and he wouldn't if it wasn't for me "I'll tell you what I know, just don't hurt him.."

"J-Jem no!" Jace nearly shouts. But the man smiles, taking the gun away from Jace's head and puts it away. Stepping over Jace he comes over to me, leaning down so his face is just inches from mine.

"So start talking" His breath reeks, like he hasn't brushed in a week, though his teeth look like it's been a year.

"Does the Capitol provide dental? Because you guys are seriously getting ripped off here." The remark slips out before I can stop it and I receive a slap to the face. It stings, but I grit my teeth and bear it. The man opens his mouth to speak but before he can he's pulled away from me.

Jace somehow got up with his feet tied and threw his arms around the man's neck. They fall to the floor as Jace strangles him. I fight against my restraints. How can Jace be so stupid!? Why would he do that!?! And now I have to get out of here and help him!

The door slides open once more and the lights turn on in a blinding flash of white. After a second I get my vision back and three Peacekeepers are dragging Jace out. The man is taken out by another. One comes up to untie me and I stay still. I swear I'll kill them all. The second they untie me I'm taking his gun and killing him and as many as I can take down. A man in a white coat comes in, tapping a syringe, he walks over to me.

Fuck! They're going to either kill me or knock me out or some shit! I try to avoid the needle, but they hold me down and inject me with whatever is in the syringe. And slowly everything goes blurry and numb. I feel them untie me and drag me across the floor. And then as I'm dragged into the hallway, everything fades to black. All I know is, I've made a huge mistake... I let them know that I care about Jace and that hurting him, gets me to talk....

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