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(Are you guys ready? I hope you are because I won't go easy on you guys!

Also, just a warning, Shinichiro's reaction may seem weird or different from past ones. That is because I realized that this Shinichiro wouldn't know certain things at this point in time. And not just Shinichiro but other characters as well. I will be going back and rewriting earlier chapters to fix this but for now, please pretend it's been written this way the whole time.)

Tokyo Revengers: You Have My Word

The screen opened with Mikey and Draken working on something.

"Whew. I'm beat!!" Mikey stood, smiling brightly. "Done yet, Ken-chin?"

"Just a little more." Draken answered. The screen showed Draken finishing the bike they were working on. "Hey, Mikey. Try the engine."

Mikey went and started the engine. "IT STARTED!!" Mikey was excited.

"HELL YEAH!!" Draken stood and gave Mikey a high five.

Mikey turned around and ran off. "Awright. I'll go call him now!" Mikey smiled brightly.

"Is that...?" Draken asked, looking at the screen before looking at Mikey.

"Looks like it." Mikey smiled.

"Who is he getting?" Akkun asked.

"Who else? Takemitchy!" Senju said.

"Oh." Akkun blushed in embarrassment.

The screen changed to show some time has passed. Chifuyu stood behind Takemichi, hands over his eyes.

"Whaat?" Takemichi asked. "What's goin' on?!!

"It's fine, it's fine." Mikey walked down the street, leading Chifuyu and Takemichi. "Don't let go yet, Chifuyu."

"Roger that." Chifuyu kept his hands over Takemichi's eyes.

"You're really scaring me, guys!" Takemichi said.

Draken was seen waiting for the boys. "Over here, guys." He called out.

"Okay." Mikey glanced behind him to smile at the two boys. "On zero, open your eyes!" The three stop and Chifuyu removes his hands, Takemichi keeps his eyes closed, waiting for Mikey to get to zero. "Three. Two." Chifuyu looks amazed. "One. Zero!!" Takemichi opened his eyes and saw Mikey and Draken standing near a bike. "Tada!!"

"Huh? A bike?" Takemichi was confused.

"Yeah." Mikey smiled. "The CB25OT. A.K.A the 'Babu'" (Named for the exhaust noise the CB25OT makes.) Mikey at the bike. "It's like twins with mine."

"Like twins?" Takemichi was still confused.

"It really was." Mikey smiled.

"It looks so good." Draken looked at the screen. Shinichiro looked at the screen confused.

Mikey talked as he lightly touched the bike handles. "My bro found 'em in the Philippines a long time ago. The engine for this...and the one for my Babu." Mikey smiled. "Bro said they were lying in some ruins...all sad and lonely."

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