1.2 Touch of evil

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Late at night, Kevin and Moose ventured out for their usual skinny-dipping session. In an unexpected turn, they stumbled upon Jason Blossom's bloated body, bearing a shotgun wound above his eyes.

Jason was shot!

Jason was murdered!

Y/n rose from her bed and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Returning to her room, she prepared for school, meticulously covering the hickeys Reggie had intentionally left on her a couple of days earlier. Each stroke of the makeup brush was a deliberate attempt to conceal the marks, ensuring they remained unseen during the day ahead.


Y/n waited patiently for Veronica to finish getting ready, sitting on her bed and taking in the beauty of her sister's meticulously decorated room.

"Do you think Betty will forgive me? I mean, I got flowers sent to the school for her, and I plan on getting her some magnolia cupcakes," Veronica mused aloud.

At the mention of magnolia cupcakes, Y/n's head snapped towards Veronica, a slight frown forming on her face.

"You never get me any magnolia cupcakes," Y/n remarked, feeling a twinge of offense.

Veronica brushed off her comment and continued preparing herself without addressing Y/n's remark.


As they entered the school, Y/n walked down the hallway with Veronica by her side.

"You should slide me one of those magnolia cupcakes. I'm sure Betty wouldn't mind, dear sister," Y/n teased with a sly grin.

Veronica ignored the comment and headed towards Mr. Weatherbee's office, where Betty and Kevin awaited.

Y/n continued down the hall and spotted Reggie with the other jocks. She watched as he pushed a beanie-wearing boy out of his way.

"Watch it, Wednesday Addams," Reggie quipped as he passed by.

Y/n seized the opportunity and grabbed Reggie's arm, pulling him towards the lockers.

"Are we having part two of Saturday night?" Reggie asked with a smirk, pulling her closer as their faces drew near.

"No," Y/n responded, stepping back slightly. "We're not."

"Just wanted to let you know it was a one-time thing," she added firmly.

Reggie's smirk faded, and his friends waited expectantly behind him.

"Oh, okay," Reggie replied, releasing her waist.

"Sorry," Y/n muttered, slipping out of his grip and making her way to class.

She felt a twinge of guilt. Did she really mean what she said? She wasn't sure. Reggie didn't seem like the type for a serious relationship, and she admitted to herself that she didn't know him well enough to consider one. But as she reflected on how Reggie's smirk had faded when she rejected him, she felt a pang of something unfamiliar—was it regret? Sadness? She couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Confused by her own emotions, Y/n entered the classroom, her thoughts lingering on Reggie and the unexpected complexity of their brief encounter.


In her math class, Y/n diligently took down the notes that the teacher had written on the board when Principal Weatherbee's voice interrupted over the intercom.

"Good Morning, students. This is your principal speaking," Mr. Weatherbee announced.

The classroom fell silent as everyone listened attentively.

𝐌𝐬. 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 - [𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐩𝐞𝐚]Where stories live. Discover now