The Before-Party

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*ATTENTION: I'm going to do this one from two different POV's, Haerin's and Danielle's. (Just so you know!)*


I woke up this morning at 6:00 am. I got picked out an outfit which was a white cropped tank top, a pair of shorts, and a white hoodie. I got dressed then brushed my hair. I then went down stairs to wear my mom was cooking breakfast.

"Good morning mom! What are you making?" I asked while sitting down at the island. "I'm making some pancakes, your favorite!" My mom said with a smile. When she finished, I at three of the pancakes with syrup then grabbed my backpack. "Bye mom! Bye dad!" I say hugging them then running out the door.

When I get to school, I don't see really anyone, which is normal because I usually get to school early. I walk through the door and go to my first period class. It's mostly empty, there's just a girl in the back looking out the window. I can't tell who it is so I don't pay much mind to her.


I turn around to see Danielle. Why is she here so early? I guess I'm really early too, but still. "'Sup dumbass!" I yell at her. She turns to face me and just rolls her eyes. "You're so annoying Haerin! You know that?!" She yells back. "Thanks, I try, I really try." I say in a teasing tone. "Ugh! You're just so, so...." She says, trying to think of what to say. "I'm so what? Beautiful? Smart? Trust me, I already know!" I say, teasing her more.

Her face turns red with anger as she says, "Ugh, I hate you! I hate you so much!" "Wow, harsh much? You know you love me!" I say wiggling my eyebrows up and down. "W-what?! No I don't! I don't understand how anyone could!" She shouts, her face turning even more red. I slap my hand on my chest, pretending to be hurt. "Uh! How could you say something so mean to me? I'm so deeply hurt!" I say dramatically. She rolls her eyes in annoyance. I smirk, I love when I make her mad!


I hate when she teases me like that! God she's so annoying. Her smirk and devious laugh are too! I just turn around and set up my desk. More students start to come in, so I'm not alone with her anymore. Thank god! I don't know if I could take one more second of her...!

Mr. Choi walks in to begin our English lesson. This class is so boring, but I still pay attention, Minji siting next to me isn't though. She leans over to me and whispers, "What time is the party tomorrow?" "7:00, so I'll pick you and Hanni up at like 8:00. I don't want to get there way early, I want to get there when other people will also already be there." I whisper back. "Fair enough."

I turn to look at Haerin, she's zoned out, like always. That cat-eyed girl really doesn't care about this class. Maybe that's why I always beat her in English? She looks up and meets my gaze. I turn away embarrassed and continue to focus on the lesson.


I smirk. Was she staring at me? I knew it! I knew she was lying earlier...! I blush a little at the thought, then snap out of it. What am I thinking? Why am I thinking.....? There's something wrong with my brain. I take out my water bottle to take a drink.

I don't even realize I'm staring until Danielle looks back at me. I turn away and blush even more than I was earlier. We're supposed to be enemy's, we're supposed to hate each other! So, why do I feel like this? Why do I feel some tickling sensation in my stomach? A warm feeling in my chest? What's going on......?

I turn to look at the clock. Finally! This dumb class is almost over. Then I'll just forget about everything happening right now in math. Yeah, yeah that'll be good. And then I'll never feel this again! I hope.....


I sit down with my food and look over at Danielle's table. She's laughing with her friends. I notice how her eyes turn into a kind of crescent shape when she laughs. It's kinda cute. NO! What an is saying?! What am I thinking?! I snap myself out of it, then I realize she looks over at me. I turn away, embarrassed. What's gotten into me today....??


"Dani, look! Haerin's staring at you..!" Minji says to me, pointing at Haerin's table. I turn and see that she was staring. Why? Was there something wrong with my hair? Clothes? I then run my fingers through my hair, and it seems fine... Wait, why do I care what she thinks? No, no, I don't! I don't care! "Hm, weird." I say, still looking at Haerin's flustered expression.

"You've been acting weird with Haerin lately, are you ok?" Hanni asks taking a bite of Kimchi. "Yeah I'm fine." I say flately. I realize I'm still staring at Haerin, then, look away quickly. "I don't think you are. I think you liiike her!" Minji says with a smirk. "What?! No! I could never! S-she's the most annoying, infuriating bitch ever!" I yell at Minji. "Woah, calm down. I was just speaking the truth." She says with the same smug face.

Hanni's just watching us as she continues eating. "You sound just like her!" I shout as is start to hear Haerin's voice instead of Minji's. They're both getting in my head, I hate it! "Ha, sounds like you're in denial!" She says taking a bite of food. "Ugh! W-what?! I'm not! Hanni help me here!" "Oh uhh, Minji stop teasing her. If she says she doesn't like Haerin, she probably doesn't. Dani wouldn't lie to us." Hanni says. "Whatever," Minji rolls her eyes. "I'll get her to confess eventually!" I just roll my eyes and eat my food.

6:43 P.M.

I call Hanni and Minji while we get ready. I put on the dress then do my hair. I put it up into two buns on top of my head. Then I start to do my makeup. Minji does her hair in a high ponytail, while Hanni leaves her's down and straight. When we finish getting ready we just chat until I leave to go pick them up.

6:57 P.M.

I call Hyein as I get ready. She's already dressed up in her angel outfit. She looks amazing, we're gonna be the prettiest there! Definitely prettier than Danielle and her little friends! I put on the bodysuit, then the skirt. I do my hair into two long high braids atop my head. I starts to fo my makeup. I put red sparkly eyeshadow on my lids and do a wing with black eyeliner. I do the rest of my makeup, and by the time I'm done, it's 7:48. I leave to go pick up Hyein and head to the party.

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