Confession -Bbangsaz-

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Earlier I saw Yeonjun talking with Hanni. And when I saw him in the halls, I thought he was talking to her again. He wasn't. He was talking to Kazuha. That asshole! How could he do this to Hanni? I took a picture of them when they were really close and went to find Hanni.

I found her sitting outside, reading. I walked up to her. "Hey, Hanni? I have something to tell you..." "Ok, what's up?" She asked. "Weeeell, I saw Yeonjun talking to Kazuha and they were getting really close to each other!" I said quickly as I held up the picture. "Pfft! That's got to be fake! Plus, they aren't even that close...!" Hanni said with a smile.

"Hanni! I'm doing this for your own good. Yeonjun is an asshole and you shouldn't get involved with him!" I yelled angrily. "Well, I think your doing this because your jealous!" She yelled back. "Jealous?! Jealous of what?!" "Of the fact that I'm getting close to Yeonjun! I bet you like him! And that's why you're trying to get me away from him! That's sick!" She said with narrow eyes.

"Ugh! I'm not jealous about the fact you're getting close to Yeonjun, but that fact that he's getting close to you!" I finally blurted out. Shit, what did I just say?! "What...?" "I don't want to get with him, I what to get with you...! Hanni, I don't know how you didn't catch on, I've been wanting to only hang out with you alone, I've been getting angry and annoyed with Yeonjun being all touchy with you, and that night at the party?! Wich you seem to not even care about... But either way I still want you. Only you. And I'm probably going to fuck up everything by telling you anymore but I don't care. I'm in love with you Hanni Pham. And I know you don't feel the same but I just thought you should know."

"M-Minji....I, I don't know what to say..." She said in surprise. "That's ok. Let me know when you're ready." I said then walked away. Shit, I just messed up everything. Confessing when I knew she liked someone else, while she's also my best friend? What was I thinking?! God...I'm so stupid...!

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