Weird Feelings

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*ATTENTION: I'm going to do this one from different POV's again, Haerin's, Danielle's, and a little bit of Minji's and Hanni's this time. (Just so you know! Also from now on if I do this I'm not going to put this there bc I don't think y'all really need it anymore. Anyway, enjoy (: )*


Hanni was over at my house and we were sitting on the couch watching a movie together. I was a little hesitant to talk to her again after what happened at the party, but she seems to act like it never happened. That kinda hurts, but I like being with her anyway. She calms my nerves. Her face just puts me at ease, and she always smells like cinnamon sugar. One of my favorite scents.

Before Halloween, I always used to admire her. I thought I didn't have a crush or anything, but I was wrong. I just didn't realize that until Halloween. When Dani was teasing me about it, I realized that I did have feelings for her. Why did I though? She is my best friend, I couldn't tell her about my real feelings.

I didn't even realize I was looking at her instead of the Tv until she looked up at me. I looked away embarrassed, but then she rested her head on my shoulder. I started to blush really hard. God, she doesn't know what she does to me, does she? Or maybe she does, and that's why she does it? Either way, I hope she wasn't looking at me anymore, because I'm pretty sure I was redder than a tomato.

"Should we invite Dani over? I mean, we've never really hung out without her, I kinda feel bad." Hanni suddenly said. "Oh, uhm, does she even know we're hanging out?" I say, wanting to just be alone with her. "Well, no, but-" "Never mind. I'll text her." I say grabbing my phone.


Ever since that night with Haerin, I haven't been thinking straight. I can't stop thinking about her. The way she kissed me, the way she touched me. God, why'd I tell her we couldn't happen?! Why'd I not just tell her the truth...? My life's turned to shit. Literal shit.

It was Sunday, so luckily I didn't have to go to school, and tomorrow was teach appreciation day so we didn't have school then either. I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die.


Minji 💅🏻
- Heyyy. I'm bored, wanna hang out?

Sure. Your house or mine? -

- Mine, Hanni's already here

😏 She is? Lol, I'll be there in 10. -

- YOU'RE SO ANNOYING, see you in 10🙄

I drove over to Minji's and knocked on the door. "Hey, come in." Minji said as she answered the door. I walk in to see Hanni sitting on the couch. She had a blanket over her, and there was empty space next to her as if someone was sitting next to her. Close, next to her. I look over at Minji and smirk again. She hits my arm again.

"Hey Dani! Come, sit sit. We need to talk." Hanni says as she looks up at me. "Ok...?" I say as I go to sit down. "So, what's up with you and Haerin?" She asked once I was sitting across from her. "Ooh, yeah, tell us!" Minji said as she plopped down on the other side of me. "Uhm, I, uhh....after the party, she texted me and asked me to come over to her house, and I did....." I said not making eye contact with either of them.

Minji just stared at me with her mouth and eyes wide open. "WHAT?! We need the details behind that!" Hanni yelled excitedly. "We- well, nothing really happened..." I lied. A lot happened. "No. No more lying. Tell us the truth!" Hanni said. Minji was still just staring at me in shock. "Well, uhm, we....we s-slept together....." I said quietly. Now Hanni was the one with wide eyes. "I'm sorry, YOU DID WHAT?!" Minji finally yelled. "It was a mistake. A one-time thing. I was drunk, I don't know what it as thinking." I said with my eyes closed.

I was lying again. I was drunk, but I knew what I was doing. It wasn't a mistake, but it could never happen again. "Mhm, a mistake..." Hanni said glaring at me. I think she knew I was lying. "You know what they say, 'Drunk words speak a sober mind.'" Minji said with a smirk. "You wanted to, didn't you?" "W-what?! No. No I didn't. I'd never want that...!" I said blushing a little. I couldn't hold back my feelings. "ENOUGH!" Hanni yelled. Minji and I turned to face her. "No more lying Danielle! Just tell us the truth, do you, or do you not like Haerin?!" "I-I, I do. I really like her. But I fucked it up." I said leaning my head back on the couch.

"I'm sure you didn't fuck it up that badly. What'd you do?" Minji asked reassuringly. "I told her that we couldn't happen. I got scared, so I said what happened had to be a one time thing. I think I hurt her, bad." I said with tears forming in my eyes. "Oh....damn. That's bad. I'm sure you can fix it though. Try calling her later and apologize." Hanni said wiping my tears away. "Ok, I will."

We then decided to watch a movie together and have a sleepover.

Later, 12:23 A.M.

Before we went to bed, Minji turned to me and said, "Call her. Do it or else I will, and tell her more than you're planning to tell her." "Ok ok, jeez." I say before picking up my phone.

12:20 A.M.

I still haven't stopped thinking about Dani, and what happened that night. I respect her choices, but why'd she have to make that one? Why'd she have to think like that? I wanted her so bad. I wanted her to be mine. But she didn't want me, she didn't want to be mine. Her words cut me like a knife, they sliced a deep cut in my heart. I wish I could go back to this morning and change her mind. Make her stay.

Since she left, my head's been a mess. It's been literally two days, and this is what she's done to me. I wish she'd just call, say she didn't mean it, say she wanted to be with me. I knew that wasn't gonna happen though.

12:23 A.M.

Apparently I spoke too soon, because my phone started buzzing. It was Dani.

"H-hi?" I answered. "Hey Haerin. I wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it. I just got scared that you'd hurt me. I was scared that you had been dared or something. That you were just trying to break my heart. But I k ow that's not true, and I let my imagination run wild. You don't have to forgive me, I just wanted you to know I'm sorry." She said. Her voice sounded so shaky, like she was afraid I would reject her.

"I-I need time to think Dani. I'll call you back when I'm ready, goodbye." I said, trying to hold back tears. "I understand, goodbye, Haerin." Then I hung up. Shit, why'd I say that?! I know where she's coming from now. But I guess I did need time. Time to think about what to say to her when I'm 'ready'. I lay my head down and go to sleep. I just need to rest


We laid down in my bed. It was pretty big so it got all three of us. I was in between Dani and Hanni. I think I fell asleep last because Dani was clearly sleeping, while Hanni turned and wrapped her arm around me. I blushed hard as I tried to sleep. I don't think she'd do that if she was awake, would she?


I wrapped my arm around Minji's waist. I usually have a bunch of pillows on my bed to hug as I sleep, but I didn't have that right now. All I had was Minji. She was sleeping anyways, so I don't think she'd mind. I just need comfort right now. I always had a fear of the dark, because you never know what could just come at you. Minji knew this, so even if she was awake I do t think she'd mind. She didn't turn away or move me, so I think it's fine.

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