The Closet

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"H-hi." Danielle said with a blush. "I know you want to kiss me..." Haerin said in a teasing tone. They both had a few drinks in them. "W-what?! No I don't...!" "You're a strange girl. I saw you staring earlier, I know you want me....." Haerin bit her bottom lip and Dani turned 10 shades of red. "I know you want this," Haerin said before doing a small twirl then pinned Dani against the wall again.

"Enough with your teasing Haerin! Do you want to do this or not?!" Dani whisper-shouted. Haerin stared at her for a second, taking in her beauty. I want to. I really want to. Haerin thought to herself. She continued to stare into Dani's eyes, then said, "Only if you do..." Dani roller eyes and looked away. She then turned her head back and said, "I do."

Then she kissed Haerin on the lips. She wrapped her arms around Haerin's neck and deepened the kiss. Haerin broke Dani's lips open and intertwined their tongues. Dani let out a soft moan as Haerin passionately kissed her. I don't want to feel this way.....but I can't help it. She's too captivating. Dani thought.

They both pulled away to catch their breath. They were panting, and Dani's hands were shaking. Haerin leaned to her ear and whispered, "Don't be nervous.....don't think. Just do..." She then kissed Dani again. This time her hands grabbed Dani's waist and pulled her closer. The heat of their bodies enough to keep a family of four warm in a very, very cold winter.

Be for they knew it, they heard a voice call out, "Times up!" It was Yeonjun. Dani frowned and Haerin pouted. She turned to Dani and said, "I'll text you later...." Smirked, then walked out. Dani was still in complete shock, but followed. She then sat next to her friends and then they continued the game.

"Who'll go next?" Soobin asked. "Minji will!" Hanni yelled out excidetly as she pointed at Minji. "Oh, n-no I'm good thanks." Minji said nervously. "Awww, come on, please? You never talk to anyone, I want you to have a little fun!" Hanni sad, nagging Minji. Minji rolled her eyes, "Fine." She spun it and it landed on.....................

Hanni. Minji stared at the bottle with wide eyes. Then she turned to Hanni and said, "W-we don't have to go in there if you d-don't want to..." "No, it's ok." Hanni said before grabbing Minji's hand and taking her in the closet. The boys set the timer once again. After the 7 minutes was up they came out and Minji was blushing like crazy. "Soooo......" Dani said, smirking at Minji. "Shut up...!" Minji said whacking Dani's arm.

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