[15] Problems Arising [15]

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Viviana POV:

"Remember class, next Tuesday you take your first Calculus test," Professor Freeman announced as we got ready to leave.

I groaned along with the rest of the class.

"Its going to based on the first chapter so I suggest you study if you want to pass," he continued, ignoring our groans.

I sighed as I followed everyone out the door. As I exited the classroom, I didn't expect to find Louis waiting outside. His back was leaned against the wall while his arm were crossed over his chest. His normal goofy and cocky demeanor changed into seriousness when he locked eyes with me. He mentioned me over with his finger, and I hesitated before making my way over to him.

"Hey," he greeted me with a smile, but I could tell it was forced.

"Hi?" I replied, but it sounded more like a question.

"Listen, I need to talk to you," he whispered, his eyes averting left to right as if he was afraid someone was going to listen in on our conversation.

"Um okay," I answered, confusion evident in my tone.

"Not here though," Louis said, grabbing my hand and leading the way.


Sparks surrounded us as soon as our skin came in contact. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and my breathing hitched in my throat. My heart started beating faster and my legs suddenly felt like jello. His touch was electrifying.

Sadly the moment ended all to quickly.

"Viviana, are you okay?" Louis asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry I spaced out," I replied, looking around at my surroundings. It was then that I noticed we were outside on campus.

"Anyways what did you want to tell me?" I asked him, turning to look at him.


"How's Calum in bed, Viviana?" someone said, interrupting Louis.

I rolled my eyes at the sound of the familiar girly high pitch voice.

Both our heads turned towards the sound of the voice, and just as I expected Kyra was standing there with a smirk on her face.

"Why are you asking her? Last time I heard you were the one satisfying his needs," Louis spat, coming to my defense.

"That's where your wrong Louis," Kyra replied, her smirk growing bigger by the second.

I began to panic at the sound of her words. This conversation wasn't going to end well...I could feel it.

"What are you talking about?" He asked confused.

"Viviana!" Kyra said fake gasping. "When were you planning on telling Louis that your dating Calum?" she asked, shooting me a wicked look.

Before I had a chance to respond, Louis laughed, causing Kyra to frown. It was clear to me that wasn't the reaction she expecting from him.

"I've heard the rumor, but I think its a bunch of bullshit," he explained in between laughs.

"Then explain these photos," Kyra said, reaching into her handbag and pulling out three photos.

I watched nervously as she handed them to Louis. He took them from her and examined them closely, with me looking over his shoulder. A gasp escaped my lips when I saw the photos.

In the first picture Calum was biting my earlobe while his body was pressed against mine. In the second picture Calum and I were kissing. In the third picture Calum was sitting on the edge of his bed while I was straddling him.

Beware of the Frat Boy //  Louis Tomlinson *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now