[5] Rejection [5]

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Viviana POV:

I stumbled out of my second class, calculus. Instead of doing introductions like we did in Humanities our teacher, Professor Freeman, decided to start the first day off with a test to see how much we know. Lucky for me it doesn't count towards our grade cause if it did I would have failed. I was never the best at math.

I glanced down at my schedule, and breath a sigh of relief when I saw that I had an hour long break before I had to go to my next class.

"Viviana!" I heard someone yelling my name.

I turned around, and saw Arielle rushing towards me.

"Hey Ariel," I greeted her when she finally caught up to me.

"Hi, please tell me you have break also," she begged with her puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I don't," I replied.

"Oh," Ariel said with disappointment.

"I'm kidding of course I do," I explained with a chuckle.

"Yay!" Ariel squealed throwing her arms in the air, accidentally smacking someone in the face.

"Ow," a boy cried, rubbing his cheek.

"Oh my god I'm so extremely sorry! I didn't mean to slap you," Ariel said, setting her arms down, and turning around to face him.

Ariel's eyes grew wide when she locked eyes with him. The boy had brown hair, hazel eyes, and huge biceps. I don't blame her for staring, the guy was hot.

"You got a bit of drool, love," the boy said and wiping off the drool from the corner of her mouth.

"S- sorry,"Ariel stuttered, her face turning bright red.

"It's fine love, I don't mind when a beautiful girl such as yourself stares at me," he replied with a cheeky grin.

"I'm Gregg by the way," he introduced himself.


I smirked when I noticed they were shaking hands longer than necessary. The bell rang, and students immediately started shoving their way to get to class.

"Shit," Gregg cursed. "Sorry love, but I have to get to class, but how about you call me later, and we can set up a date so I can take you to dinner."

"I'd love that,"Ariel said, and they quickly exchanged numbers, he gave her a quick peck on the cheek, and took off running to whatever class he had.

"Aww how cute," I teased her and she giggled.

"Come on let's get out of here" Ariel said, grabbing my wrist, and dragging me down the deserted hallway

Just when we were about to push open the doors, someone beat us to it.

"Ladies first" Louis said

"Thank you" Ariel replied politely

I rolled my eyes, and attempted to pass by him, but he stood in front of the door, blocking my way.

"Move" I muttered

"Not until you say thank you"

"Fine. Thank you asshole" I replied in a sweet tone, and pushed him out the way


After stopping by the cafeteria to grab a quick snack, Ariel and I walked around campus discussing our classes. I told her all about what Louis said, and did to me during Humanities.

"You know you should give him a chance," Ariel commented.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Oh come on Viv its obvious he likes you, I think you two would make a cute couple-"

"Your crazy," I interrupted her.

"I mean it! Why don't you wanna give him a chance?"

"He's a frat boy. He spends his time partying, drinking, and getting girls in bed with him, while I'm just an average college girl who spends her time studying, reading, and dreaming about her future. We're total opposites," I explained.

"But opposites attract" Ariel pointed out.

I sighed.

"Can we please drop this subject?" I begged.

"Okay. I'm sorry, I was just expressing my opinion," she replied, putting her hands up in surrender

We continued our walk, and came across a familiar couple snogging under a tree.

"Oh Anna" Harry moaned, rubbing his hands up and down her waist

"Eww get a room you two" I yelled

They both pulled apart, startled by my sudden outburst.

"We're in public so please do us all a favor, and go make out when your alone" I said

"Viv's right. We'll continue later babe" Harry whispered to Anna

She giggled in agreement.

"Oh, um Anna, Harry meet Arielle" I introduced them

"Hi" the three of them said

"Is this your first year?" Anna asked

"Yeah" Ariel responded

"How do you like Uni so far?"

"It's amazing"

"Oh, before I forget there's going to be a party this Friday at the frat house, and your all invited" Harry said, changing the subject

"Sounds fun" Anna commented

"Yeah it's going to be one hell of a night" Harry explained

Before any of us could discuss further details on the party, the bell rang, singling the end of class, and break. We all groaned, and bid our goodbyes, going our separate ways.


My third, and last class for today was Dramatic Arts. I scanned around looking for an empty seat, and spotted one next to a familiar blond haired girl.


She wiped her head around, and grinned when she saw me.


We squealed, and ran to hug each other.

"Louis!" Louis yelled, mocking us

I scoffed in disbelief, and ignored him, taking a seat next to Perrie.

"Are you going to the party?" Perrie asked

"Um maybe" I replied

"You should come! I'm going, Zayn's taking me" she responded with a smile


"Not again, what do you want Tomlinson?" I snapped, trying to push pass him, but he blocked the exit

"I want to talk to you, alone" Louis replied

"Fine, I'll catch you later Perrie" I said

"Okay, see ya Viv" Perrie replied, and left the classroom, leaving us alone

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked

"As you probably already know there's a party this Friday, and I want you to be my date" Louis stated

"I rather not"


"Because I- I already have a date" I lied

"Who?" Louis asked, his eyes turning a darker shade of blue

"None of your business" I spat

"You are my business, now tell me who asked you" Louis demanded

"I'm done with this conversation now get the fuck out of my way" I commanded, and shoved him aside


I realize this chapter isn't my best price of work, but hopefully the next chapter will be better :)

On the side is a pic of Danielle Campbell who plays as Arielle >>>

Please vote and comment ~Blanca

Beware of the Frat Boy //  Louis Tomlinson *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now