[7] We Need To Talk [7]

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Hannah POV:

At the mention of my brother's name my eyebrows shot up in surprise. I exchanged brief looks with Viviana.

"He sat next to me in Calculus class, and we just stared talking. He casually brought up the party, and asked if I had a date when I said no he asked me if I wanted to go with him, and so of course I said yes! He even walked me to my next class. He's such a sweetheart," Vanessa gushed

"Aww how nice," Viviana said, faking a smile.

I detected a hint of anger and jealousy in her voice, Vanessa was to busy bragging about Louis to notice.

"Are you alright?" I whispered to Viviana.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" she mumbled.

"You're acting weird. If your not okay with Vanessa going to the party with Louis maybe you should tell her," I suggested in a low voice.

"What are you talking about? I happen to be very happy for her," Viviana defended herself

I scoffed in disbelief.

"Of course you are" I replied, sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"You know what? I don't have to time to argue, I have to go," Viviana muttered, stomping away from us in a hurry.

"What's her problem?" Vanessa asked.

"I have no idea," I answered, although I had a possible explanation as to what Viviana's problem is

Viviana POV:

I slammed the doors open, and angrily made my way down the stairs. I kept walking till I made it to the field. The football team were chatting among themselves, awaiting for the arrival of their couch. My eyes scanned around to each face, and stopped at the guy I was looking for. He was busy laughing about God knows what with Harry.

"LOUIS FUCKIN' TOMLINSON!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

The whole entire team fell silent, all of them stood there frozen in their places, and watched as I marched over to Louis.

"We need to talk," I stated.

"Okay, how about we go somewhere more private, then we could have our fun" Louis suggested, whispering the last part, and winked

That dirty minded bastard! If he thinks I'm here because I want to sleep with him then he's dead wrong.

I pinched his right earlobe, hard, and dragged him along with me, refusing to let go.

"Ohh Tomlinson is going to get his ass kicked" one guy joked

"Hey girl! If you're planning on kicking Louis in the balls then don't kick to hard, its to much for his small dick to handle" another guy yelled, I recognized him as the guy who had flirted with Arielle, Gregg I think his name was

The team burst into laughter, and I couldn't help, but giggle.

"I'll try not to" I smirked

That caused them to laugh even harder. I grinned, and continued yanking Louis by his earlobe. The team continued yelling jokes about him, Louis rolled his eyes in annoyance, and flipped his teammates off.


"Oww! Can you stop pulling my ear? It hurts" Louis whined

Instead of doing what he asked me, I pinched even harder. He hissed in pain, and glared at me. I ignored him, and lead him to quiet part of the field where no one was around. I let go of his ear, and shoved him.


He looked at me in confusion.

"I have no idea what your talking about" he said

"Why would you ask my sister to be your date for the party?" I asked

"Why wouldn't I? She's fit" Louis explained as if it's the most obvious thing in the world

"You better not do anything to her Tomlinson or I swear I'll kick your balls so hard that you won't be able to have kids in the future" I threaten

The corner of his lips tugged up into a smirk.

"Are you really worried about your sister or are you just jealous that she's my date?"

"Of course I'm worried about my sister, she's to naive to notice what a jackass you are" I replied, angrily

"Fine then I won't go with Vanessa, I'll take you instead" Louis said

"Never in a million years" I laughed

"Oh, come on, go with me it's not as if you have any other guys to chose from" he replied

"Your a dick" I spat

"You wanna suck my what?!?" Louis asked, pretending to sound shock

I rolled my eyes as he smirked.

"Just treat my sister right, she's not someone you can manipulated to have sex with"

"Alright I promise I won't do anything to her" he sighed

I nodded. I don't why, but I felt like I could trust him to keep his promise.

"Now that were done arguing... do you wanna snog?'' Louis asked with a mischievous grin

''No!'' I protested

''If you say so, but remember if you ever want to just give me a call, and I'll be right over'' he replied

''Fuck you'' I spat

''I wanna fuck you to'' Louis smirked

I whacked his arm, and left before he could say any other stupid things.

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