[16] Anger and Jealousy [16]

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Song for this chapter: More Than This by One Direction

Viviana POV:

"That bastard!" Niall roared, shooting up from my bed with clenched fists.

Never in my life had I ever seen Niall angry. I've always seen him as a calm and easy going lad, which is why his sudden mood change surprised me. Right now his face was red, eyes were narrowed, lips drawn, and veins protruding. All I could do was sit there speechless as he began pacing while mumbling profanities under his breath.

"Niall, its fine," I said after a few moments silence.

"No, Viviana, it isn't. A lady should never agree to be a mans fuck buddy no what the reason may be," he said, angrily.

"Ni, what other choice do I have? If I would have said no to his request then he would have ratted out Zayn," I explained.

"Zayn wouldn't have wanted this. He would rather Calum rat him out then watch his little sister be the fuck buddy of a horny bastard," Niall protested, halting his pacing so that he could look at me.

"I know that," I sighed, shifting my gaze to the floor.

"Then tell him! He deserves to know what's happening," he replied.

"He also deserves to be able to live his life to the fullest and he won't be able to do that in prison," I pointed out.

"God, you're so fucking stubborn," Niall huffed. "You rather do it your own way rather then listen to the advice of others," he continued in irritation.

"You barley realized that?" I asked smirking slightly.

"Love, if you don't tell him then I will," Niall announced causing me to look at him in disbelief.

"You wouldn't," I said.

"Oh, but I will, babe," he smirked in return.

"Niall, please don't," I begged him with my puppy dog eyes.

"Goddammit Viviana! I'm not going to stand around and pretend everything's okay because it's not!" He shouted.

"Its not even any of you're fucking business anyway. It's my life and I'm able to make whatever Goddamn decision I want!" I yelled back in frustration.

"It became my fucking business after you told me everything, and weather you like it or not I'm going to do whatever it takes to stop this," he said, fierceness evident in his voice.

It was then that I reached my breaking point. I didn't want to be Calum's fuck buddy, but I also didn't want Zayn to go to prison. I have no choice, but to suck it up and carry out the deal, no matter how much I didn't want to.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt Niall wrap his arms around my waist.

"There, there, babe, let it all out," he whispered and I did.

I laid my head on his chest and sobbed. Niall rested his chin on top of my head and said that everything was gonna be all alright, and the more he repeated it the more I started to believe it.


Silence filled the classroom when Niall and I entered our Humanities class the next day. Ever since I told him about Calum's deal he's refused to leave my side.

"I thought she was dating Calum Hood," one girl whispered to her friend as we passed by.

"Maybe she's dating both," her friend replied.

"What a slut," another girl commented.

I ignored them as I scanned the room in search of an empty seat. As I did so my brown eyes came in contact with a familiar pair of blue ones.

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