[1] Meeting Louis [1]

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Viviana POV:

After Vanessa and I received our schedules, dorm-room numbers, roommates, and room keys, we made our way towards the direction of the dorm-room building.

"What room are you in and who's your roomate?" Vanessa asked as she pushed open the office doors.

"I'm in room 101 and my roommate is Hannah Tomlinson. What about you?" I replied while looking down at the papers in my hands.

"I'm in room 105 and my roomate is Arielle Winters," Vanessa replied, while folding her papers and putting them in her back pocket, along with her room key.

"I'm still having trouble processing the fact that I'm officially starting my first year of uni," she rambled on, but I was to preoccupied with my thoughts to focus on what she was saying.

Once I reached my dorm-room I exchanged my goodbyes with Vanessa.

After shutting the door with my foot, I set my suitcases down and scanned every inch of my medium sized dorm-room. The left side of the room was bare, while the right side was covered in band posters, which I'm pretty sure were my roommates. There were two twin sized beds, a flatscreen tv, one bathroom, two drawers, a small couch, a beside table, and in the corner of my room were my boxes that contained all my stuff.

"Oh, hello you must be Viviana," a pretty brunette haired girl greeted me as she closed the bathroom door shut.

''Yes I am, and you're Hannah?" I asked as I glanced at my papers to double check that I got her name right.

''Thats me," Hannah responded as went back to decorating her side of the room.

I grabbed my suitcases and placed them on my bed. Afterwards I went over and grabbed my boxes, setting them by my bags I began to unpack.

"So how old are you?" Hannah asked, starting a conversation after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"20," I answered as I took out my clothes.

"Your old!" Hannah joked, chuckling at the end.

I rolled my eyes at her comment, but laughed.

"How old are you?" I asked after we both settled down.

"19," she replied.

"Are you excited to start your first year here?"

"Yes, but I'm also kinda nervous," she admitted.

"It's normal to be nervous, I remember when I was starting my first year, I kept telling myself not to do anything embarrassing or stupid, but guess what? I fall face first as soon as I entered the classroom, so piece of advice double check to make sure your shoelaces are tied, unless you want to end up like me," I explained, replaying the memory in my head.

I could tell Hannah tried not to laugh, but failed as a giggle escaped her lips, but it quickly turned into laughter. I rolled my eyes at her, but after a while I joined in.

A sudden knock at out door cut our laughter short. I looked at Hannah raising an eyebrow, mentally asking her if she was expecting anyone. She shrugged in response, before going inside the bathroom.

I swung open the door and there stood a boy who looked around my age. He was dressed in a white vans shirt, black skinny jeans, and vans. His brown hair was styled in a perfect quiff. As his blue eyes met my dull brown ones a smirk creeped its way into his face. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't hot.

I watched in disgust as his eyes shamelessly scanned my eyes from head to toe. His eyes lingering on my breasts longer than necessary.

''Excuse me, but my eyes are up here, not on my breasts," I snapped.

''Sorry, love, I liked what I saw," he said with a wink.

''Louis, what are you doing here?'' Hannah asked, coming out of the bathroom and appearing by my side.

''You left your phone in my car and I came to return it to you," Louis replied, handing it back to her.

''Thanks," she said, and was about to slam the door, but he stuck his foot in the way.

'Wait, aren't you going to introduce me to your extremely fit roommate?'' Louis asked, his eyes never leaving mine.

''Um ok, Viviana this is Louis, and Louis this is Viviana," Hannah introduced us.

''Are you two dating?" I asked looking between the two of them.

"Oh God no! Unfortunately he's my brother," Hannah replied, pretending to gag.

Both of them looked at each other with the same expression of disgust on their faces.

"Sorry I didn't know," I apologized.

"It's fine, love, just remember I'm single, and if you ever feel lonely I can make you feel better, if you know what I mean," Louis replied with a cheeky grin.

"Ew Lou stop flirting with her and get out of here!" Hannah cried in disgust.

Louis laughed and showed himself out.

"Sorry for my brother's behavior," Hannah sighed closing the door.

"It's fine, isn't he a frat b-"I began.

"Frat boy? Yeah he is, and please I'm begging you not to fall for him, if there's one thing I know about my brother is that he's nothing, but trouble."


Hey guys I finally updated the first chapter yay! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thanks for reading! Comment and vote please. Love you all -Blanca

Beware of the Frat Boy //  Louis Tomlinson *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now