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Vivana POV:

''Viviana, get your bum out of bed," my sister, Vanessa, yelled while pounding her fists on my bedroom door.

I groaned, and pulled the covers over my head. I snuggled with my pillow and closed my eyes. I guess I must have fallen into a deep sleep because I didn't hear Vanessa unlocking my door with a bobby pin. She suddenly yanked the covers off of me, grabbed my pillow and began hitting me with it.

''Vanessa," I whined childishly.

"Don't Vanessa me, I know your upset that Summer is over and you have to go back to Uni, but your just going to have to suck it up and deal with it!" Vanessa commanded me.

I groaned, knowing she was right. I sighed, before getting out of bed.

"Honestly sometimes it feels like I'm the older sister," she said, flipping her hair.

"Shut up and get the hell out of my room," I grumbled, not in mood for any bullshit.

''Someone's on the rag," Vanessa mumbled, earning a smack with the pillow from me.

"Okay, I'm getting out," she said, sticking her tongue at me.

I beamed, satisfied that I got rid of her, but my smile quickly faded when I remembered why Vanessa woke me up in the first place. This year I will be starting my second year at Uni. I sighed, grabbing my clothes, and headed to the shower.

About half an hour later, I jogged downstairs wearing a pair of blue skinny jeans, a pink tank top,and my pink converse. While my hair was thrown into a messy bun.

I entered the kitchen and gave each of my parents a kiss on the cheek. Afterwards I poured myself some orange juice, and took a seat in between Zayn and Vanessa.

''What's wrong honey?'' my mother asked me as she set my breakfast in front of me.

''I don't want to go back to Uni," I pouted, while shoving a spoonful of food in my mouth.

"Why not?" She asked concerned.

"Because that means more homework," I whined.

"Your too much like your father Viv," my mother replied with a chuckle. "He hated doing homework didn't you Yaser?"

"Sure did, I hardly ever did it, but when I started dating your mother, she forced me to do it," my father replied with a smile.

"It's a good thing I did because if not you wouldn't have graduated from Uni," she replied, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Anyways what about you two?" my father asked Zayn and Vanessa. "Are you excited about Uni?"

"I'm excited! I can't wait to start my first year," Vanessa said.

''Me too! I'm can't wait to see Perrie, I haven't seen her all Summer!'' Zayn explained with enthusiasm.


As we pulled into the campus of the University of London, the first thing I noticed was the large amount of students everywhere.

''It's even better than I imagined!'' Vanessa squealed.

''You're going to love it here Vanessa," Zayn said as he parked the car.

''Another year," I mumbled to myself, ignoring their conversation.

''Hello earth to Viviana," Vanessa said snapping her fingers to get my attention.

''What?'' I asked confused.

''I asked if you can give me a tour around campus tomorrow," Vanessa replied, getting off the car.

''Yeah, sure," I answered, slamming the door behind me and going over to the trunk to grab my suitcases.

''I'm going to my dorm, and afterwards meet up with Perrie, see you two around'' Zayn announced.

''Bye Zayn," Vanessa and I said at the same time.

We both watched as he grabbed his suitcases and left.

''Viv! Over here!" someone suddenly yelled.

I looked around at the mention of my nickname, and grinned when I saw the familiar brunet haired girl running towards me, along with a curly haired, and greened eyed boy.

It was my friend Anna and her boyfriend Harry.

''Anna! Harry!'' I shouted, waving my arms in the air.

By the time they both caught up to me I gave them a minute to catch their breath.

"Hey lovebirds," I greeted while I gave them a hug.

"Hey Viv!" They replied at the same time.

"Um sorry to interrupt your reunion, but Viv remember me?" Vanessa asked awkwardly.

''Right, this is my sister Vanessa. Vanessa these are my friends Anna, and Harry," introduced them.

''Hi!" the three of them replied.

''Is this your first year?'' Harry asked her.

Vanessa nodded in response.

''Uni's great! You'll love it! The teachers are really nice, the parties are so much fun, and the campus is filled with cute guys," Anna said with a wink.

"Remember me? Your boyfriend?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

''I'm kidding babe, no one is more fit than you are," Anna replied giving him pecked on the lips.

''Come on Vanessa, let's leave the two lovebirds alone," I said, grabbing my suitcases.

She grabbed her suitcases as well and followed after me.

''Bye! It was nice meeting you two," Vanessa shouted after them.

''It was nice meeting you to," They both yelled.

I waved goodbye to them, and lead the way to the office.


Ok this is just an introduction to my new fan fic that's coming out sometime this Summer. I realize it may not be a good intro, but once I start writing it I promise it will get better!

Anyways thanks for reading, and stay tuned for the first chapter!

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