[4] First Day Back[4]

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Viviana POV:

I peeled my eyes open, and groaned. Today is the day that I've been dreading to come, I officially start my junior year at Uni. I reached over and switched off my alarm clock.

Five more minutes of sleep wouldn't be such a bad idea, I thought to myself.

I squeezed my eyes shut and was about to fall back asleep until-

"WAKE UP! FIRST DAY OF UNI HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!" Hannah yelled at the top of her lungs, and repeatedly smacked me with her pillow.

"Ugh, can I have a few more minutes of sleep? Please?" I begged.

"NO! NOW GET YOUR LAZY BUM UP!" Hannah shouted in my ear.

"Bloodly hell, Han, you scream loud," I complained shoving my blanket away.

"Aww thank you, now if you'll excuse me the shower is calling my name," she replied, slamming the bathroom door shut.

After getting up and doing my normal stretch, I grabbed my blanket off the floor and made my bed. About twenty minutes later, Hannah walked out of the shower with her hair wrapped in a towel. I went in after her, locking the door behind me. I turned on the water and stripped out of my PJ's. I stepped in the shower and sighed. The warm water felt good on my skin.

I squirted my strawberry scented shampoo on my hand and scrubbed. Afterwards I washed my body with my favorite vanilla and spice scented body wash and like any girl my age I shaved. When I was done with my shower I wrapped a towel around my body and stepped out the shower. I quickly dried my body and changed into my bra and panties, a thin grey long-sleeved, black skinny jeans, and brown leather boots.

When I was done, I opened the door for Hannah. She immediately grabbed the hairbrush, and furiously started to untangle her hair, while I blow dried mine. I used the brush after her and being the lazy person I am decided not to straighten my hair. I grabbed my toothbrush, applying toothpaste to it, and brushed my teeth. When I was done I moved away from the sink, so that Hannha could brush her teeth.

I was never a big of makeup so I didn't bother to put any on except for mascara and lipgloss. I zipped up my makeup bag and slipped my brown scarf around my neck and grabbed my long brown coat. After double checking that we had our room keys we left.


My first class for the day was Renaissance Literature. I stepped into the classroom and scanned the room for a seat. A smile broke out across my face when I saw Anna waving at me, mentioning for me to come sit next to her. Unfortunately as I made my way towards her I tripped over someone's shoe.

My cheeks turned red as the class erupted into laughter.

"Oh, I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to trip you," Louis said with a smirk.

"Mate, if I were ya I'd watch what ya say to her, unless ya want to get kicked in the balls again," Niall replied extending out his hand which I gratefully accepted.

Louis scowled while the rest of the class laughed at him.

''Thank you," I mumbled to Niall.

"No problem love, would you like to sit with us?" he asked.

"No thank you, my friend saved me a seat, but thanks for the offer though," I answered.

"Oh, alright, ya welcome," Niall responded with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Next time?" I suggested.

"Yeah, cool." Niall agreed.

When I turned around, Louis took that oppertunity to slap my bum. I gasped, and quickly faced him, my face fuming in anger.

"You son if a b-"

"Can everyone please take their seats?" the teacher asked entering the classroom, her high heels making a clink clink sound.

"You heard the lady." Louis said.

I flipped him off, and made my way towards Anna. I took a seat next to her, and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Are you okay?" Anna whispered.

"I'm fine." I muttered trying to remain calm.

"Don't worry about him, he's an asshole, always will be." Anna said, and I couldn't help, but chuckle.

"Welcome class to another year at Uni, my name is Professor Aguilar, and I'll be your Humanities teacher" Professor Aguilar announced, smoothing down her black dress.

Out the corner of my eye, I saw Louis smirking at me, I rolled my eyes, and instead turned my attention to Niall. I didn't realize I was staring longer than I should have until eventually he caught me staring at him, and grinned. I embarrassingly looked away, my cheeks turning a bright red. Louis was glaring daggers at Niall, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Viv,"Anna said, nudging me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I'm bored out of my mind, and class barley began." she replied.

"Same here." I sighed.

"Since it's the first day I would like all of you to take turns introducing yourself, and tell us a bit about you, let's start with hmm the young lady sitting in the back." Professor Aguilar said, pointing her index finger at me.

I awkwardly stood up, and stared at the class.

"Um hi I'm-"

"Sexy!" Louis yelled, and his friends high fived him.

"Young man, what is your name?" Professor Aguilar asked.

"Louis. Louis Tomlinson." Louis replied with a cheeky grin.

"Well Mr. Tomlinson, please keep your remarks to yourself" she responded, and gave me an apologic smile. "Please continue."

"I'm Viviana Malik, I have one brother, and one sister. I'm hoping to major in English. I'm a bookworm. My hobbies are spending time with friends or family, writing, watching netflix, cooking, sleeping, and many more. I play volleyball, and I'm a cheerleader-"

"That explains why you have such a good body." Louis interrupted me.

"Mr. Tomlinson, I'm giving you one last warning, keep your remarks to yourself." the professor instructed him with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Yes, professor." Louis saluted her.

"I'm sorry Viviana, do you have anything to add?" Professor Aguilar asked.

I shook my head in response.

"Alright, does anybody have any questions for her?" she asked the class.

"Are you single?" one boy asked.

"Your hot." another boy commented.

"How good are you in bed?" Louis asked, and the boys wolf whistled.

"THAT'S IT! I have tried giving you warnings considering it's the first day, but you've been nothing, but disrespectful, I want you out of my class. NOW! Next Monday when you return I expect you on your best behavior. Before you leave I want you to apologize to Miss. Malik" Professor Aguliar spat.

"If you say so professor. I'm sorry Viviana... sorry that I think of banging you that is." Louis replied, and ran out the classroom.

Almost the entire class laughed, Professor Aguliar stood there in agape, and I just back sat back down in my chair, my face flushed out of anger and embarrassment.

"What a jackass." Anna commeted, and I agreed.


Well I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry that it's lame.

On the side is a pic of Hailee Steinfeld who plays as Hannah >>>

Please vote and comment ~Blanca

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