[2] Tour Around Campus [2]

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Vivana POV:

It was another typical cold day in London, I was walking around campus with Vanessa, Hannah, and Vaness's roommate, Arielle, whom I had just met earlier today. I was giving them a tour of the campus. Every building we passed, I would point out it's name, and what's it's used for.

''Okay, over here we have the cafeteria, the place we eat at," I announced pointing it out.

''No, this where we sleep at, thanks for pointing that Captain Obvious," Hannah replied sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes in response while the other girls laughed at her comment and followed after me. I've only known Hannah for a day, and already I know so much about her, for example she's very sarcastic, which I'm sure you already figured that out by now.

I lead them to the field, and stopped to explain it.

''This field is where the team plays football," I said.

I chuckled at the girls, who were currently drooling over the football team. Literally.

''Alright lads that's enough practice for today, you're all free to go," the coach dismissed them.

The team cheered and all gulped down water and wiped their sweaty faces. They all talked and laughed among themselves.

"Damn Viv, I know you said the guys here are attractive, but you didn't mention anything about them being this sexy," Vanessa said as she stared at their abs in awe.

"Out of all of them which one do you think is the hottest?" Hannah asked.

"The one with dark hair and brown-eyes," Arielle answered pointing him out.

"Sorry to break it to Ariel, but that's my brother Zayn your talking about, and he happens to have a girlfriend" I replied with a chuckle.

At the mention of his name, Zayn turned around with a look of confusion, but it quickly turned into a grin when he saw us. He backed away from his team who were all leaving, except for four guy's who started a little match.

"Zayn, mate, where are ya going? Aren't ya going to play?" the blond haired boy yelled.

"In a minute, I'm going to chat with my sisters and their friends" Zayn yelled back.

The blondie nodded and went back to playing.

"Viv! Nessa!"

"Hey big bro," I greeted him with a hug.

After we both pulled, Zayn outstretched his arms to hug Vanessa, but she backed away from him with a look of disgust.

"You can hug me after you take a shower," she said, scrunching her nose up in disgust.

Zayn laughed and pulled her in for a hug anyways.

"And who are you two lovely ladies?" Zayn asked all gentleman like.

"I'm Hannah," Hannah replied.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Hannah," Zayn said.

"Likewise," she responded.

"And I'm Arielle, but you can call me Ariel for short," Ariella said.

"Arielle, nice name," Zayn replied.

"Thank you," she smiled.

"No prob- Viviana watch out!" Zayn shouted, pushing me out the way, resulting in the both of us to fall on the ground with a loud thump.

I quickly stood up and extended my hand towards him to which he gladly accepted.

"Thanks Zayn," I said to which he nodded.

"Are you two okay?" Vanessa asked in concern.

"Yeah, we're fine, what was that thing that was about to hit me?"

"A soccer ball," Hannah answered holding it up.

I didn't need to be told who kicked the ball towards me because the loud laughter of Louis echoed throughout the field. He clutched his stomach while pointing at me.

Oh he thinks this is funny, I'll show him.

"May I?" I asked Hannah, gesturing towards the soccer ball.

"Be my guest," Hannah replied with a smirk, and handed me the ball.

I dropped it on the ground by my feet, and took a couple steps back. Once I was far away from the ball, I ran at top speed, and kicked the soccer ball as hard as I could. It flew in the air, and everyone stopped, and stared at it except for Louis who was still laughing his ass off. To bad for him the ball hit him right where the sun don't shine, causing him fall over in pain while clutching his manhood.

For a while everyone stared at him in shock, but Hannah was the first to burst into laughter, and the rest of us soon joined in.

"Nice kick," blondie said coming up to me,and holding up his hand for a high five.

I grinned and high fived him.

"I'm Niall by the way."


Pretty soon everyone else came up to me to comment on my kick and to introduce themselves.

"Where'd you learn to kick like that?" Ariel asked.

"You really show'd him who's boss," Vanessa said.

"Zayn, your sister is badass, I swear," Niall explained.

"I'd hate to be Louis right now," Liam commented.

Questions and comments were thrown my way, and I couldn't help, but feel proud for what I did, but all that pride was replaced by guilt when I saw the look of hurt on Louis's face.

Wait. I shouldn't be feeling guilty! He was the one who almost hit him with the soccer ball, I thought.

But, you did embaress him in front of his friends, my subconscious said.

But he deserved that kick in the balls... right?



Hope you all enjoyed the chapter :)

Thank you all for reading and please don't forget to vote and maybe leave a comment...please?

Love you all <3


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