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"The eyes are the window to your soul."

-William Shakespeare


     Nick Nelson, a near twenty year old boy, was full filling the last of his teenage years in the best ways possible. He had been to university, Leeds to be specific, but had left after him and his friends decided that "there must be more exciting things to do in life" and they wanted to experience said things with the little time they had left before they became adults.

     After this spur-of-the-moment decision, Sai; Otis; Christian and Nick, spent nearly every second together. They would do stuff from as simple as playing video games at each others houses, to playing rugby for their local team. 

* * * * * * *

     After a beautiful, calming bike ride between the four boys - I know, very cliché - they all wanted to sit and relax in a café. It was the middle of winter so nothing sounded better than a warming cup of hot chocolate .

     They had rode out about 12 miles from their hometown of Dewlsbry, and were all excited to suss out the area of Truham, Kent. 

     The boys had parked and locked up their bikes in a random car park located near a parade of shops. The area was beautiful, it had old-timey styled architecture that towered into the sky, each building had a flat above it. There were business' ranging from; Oliver Bonas' to antique shops to unheard of independent clothing brands. But, at the end of the busy, beige street, one bistro stood out in particular. 

     Springs Snax Bar

     Although the name sounded incredibly basic and boring, it was the appearance of the coffee shop that caught their eye.

     A big, yellow, LED sign promoted the café, and made it stand out from the running theme of the street. Stringed flowers of daisies and forget-me-knots hung from the canopy. Said canopy had the same brand name of Springs Snax Bar  in a recognisable cursive font and a small cartoon drawn picture of a man in his mid forties it seemed. This design was draped over an orange and blue fabric, split diagonally for colour separation. 

     The energy of the shop and the popularity it seemed to have was enough to make each of them quickly agree, that was were they wanted to purchase, drink and relax with their hot cocoas.

     Nick, Christian, Otis and Sai sauntered into the café, only to be immediately  hit by the comforting smell of sweet treats and coffee beans. 

     The four mates joined the everlasting queue of hungry, and somewhat impatient customers. Nick peered over the crowd of heads towards the till.

     He noticed that the only worker there seemed to be was a young lad, around the same age as him, rushing around from counter top to large complicated coffee machines just trying to keep this lunch rush under control. 

     The blonde haired boy did feel bad for him, but was undertaken by his eyes fixed to the mysterious clerk. His curls fell naturally and beautifully as they bounced with each movement. It seemed as though he had let it grow out to just above the ears as a style choice, and Nick agreed with said 'style choice' as he thought it looked quite attracti- I mean nice. Nick's not into those attractive things with men. Why would he be? He's not gay.

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