Forever and Always - Epilogue

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"I do."


     8 years. 

8 years of ups, and downs.

8 years of pure love.

8 years of a desperate want to spend the rest of their life together.

     Nick and Charlie's lust for each other grew and grew the longer they were a couple. After becoming official, they carried on with their old lives, except from the fact that they saw each other every day and slept over at alternate houses any time they could. 

     When Charlie finished college, the two moved in together, feeling as though they were ready for this commitment. They bought a flat in a lovely complex in the middle of London, as both boys wanted a life in the city. 

     Nick didn't achieve his dream of becoming a professional rugby player, instead opted for a manager at Tesco's who plays weekend games with the local team.

     Charlie became a director of cinematography, who works on all kinds of films slash documentaries. The two of them work a good salary and have corresponding hours, therefore always cuddled up together when home.

     2 years ago, Nick popped the question

     Unsurprisingly, Charlie screamed his yes' multiple times, drawing a crowd around the couple in front of the Eiffel Tower, where Nick asked him.

     Now, after months of planning, sending invitations and cake testing, the day has come!

* * * * * * *

     "Oh sweetie, you look so handsome." Sarah cooed as Nick stepped out of his black car. He wore a simple black tux, with a blue and orange pocket square. 

     The couple had decided on a wedding in a forest. The whole area was enclosed with trees, the summer sunlight peering through the branches. A wooden deck lay at the end of the walkway, circled by white chairs. 

"Thanks mum," Nick blushed. 

     At the absence of Nick's father, Sarah had agreed to walk Nick down the isle. She wore a pink, slick, silk dress. A matching pink flower sat in her newly done hair.

"You look really nice too." He complemented her.

"Thanks Nicky." She took his hand and started to lead him towards the flowered isle.

* * * * * * *


     Charlie stood on the deck, all dressed up in a white suit, curls slicked back.

"You ready son?" Julio asked with a excited and proud smirk.

"Yeah, yeah I am!" Charlie replied, a wide beam very evident on his face. All the guests smiled at his response.

     "Don't mess it up." Tori joked, a chuckle ending the sentence, from beside him in the line. She had appointed herself as best person for Charlie, where as Nick's was Sai, followed by Christian, Otis, and a few other school friends and good mates. 

      Everyone quieted down as One Directions, Little Things, started playing. 

     Nick walked down the isle, his clutch on his mum's arm tightening when he saw Charlie. He was so pretty and beautiful and perfect.

     He saw Charlie mutter a little 'hi', which he replied too with a wave.

     The melody played on as Nick walked step by step towards his future husband, a smile playing massively on his lips.

     The two met together, and stood opposite each other, gazing into their lovers eyes.

* * * * * * *

     "Nick Nelson, do you take Charlie Spring to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do! I do." Nick chuckled, letting the excitement get to him.

"And Charlie Spring, do you take Nick Nelson to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Charlie stayed calmer then the golden retriever boy, but happiness still flowing out of his eyes, as he let a few tears fall.

"I now pronounce husband, and husband. You may now kiss the groom," the registrar said as he stepped back and let the newly weds kiss.

     They pulled away and turned to all the cheering celebrants, then proceeded to walk back down the isle, hand in hand.

     Once away from the crowd the two turned towards each other.

"I love you, Charlie."

"I love you too, Nick, forever and always."



And that, is, it!

The Barrister Boy is DONE!!

I hoped you liked this ending, I definitely did and am quite proud of this Chapter.

Still, Vote and Comment. And Share if you think others will like it.

Thank you so much to everyone who read and supported me whilst writing this.



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