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"I love being yours."



     "Where were you?"

     That's the first thing Charlie hears when he enters the house. "I told you, I was at the park with Nick." 

     "You said you'd be an hour!" Jane's tone was aggressive, making Charlie recoil and wince with each spoken word.

     "Sorry," He mumbled in response, "I got distracted, lost track of time." 

     At that moment, something clicked inside of Charlie. He spun around from hanging up his coat, "Actually, no. Look mum, I know that I was late, but I'm nearly eighteen! I can stay at the park with my," He hesitated slightly, unsure of wether him and Nick were boyfriends boyfriends, "My friend, and come home when ever I want to! Stop taking your grief for Oliver out with anger towards us!"

     Charlie ran upstairs without letting his mum reply. He flopped onto the bed and sighed. A proud feeling was filling inside him, different to the usual angry and upset one he gets when he and his mum fight. He rolled onto his back, looking up at the ceiling and smiling.

     Since that moment at the park, where they voiced their feelings to each other, Charlie's wanted to know wether this meant they were in a proper relationship or not. He had had first hand experience with the or not side of things with Ben. The high school 'lover' who'd only use him as a playtoy. However, this time he felt like it was so much more then Ben ever was, the connection they had only amplifying that hopeful lust. He wanted to take things slow though, make sure everything went okay and no feelings were contrasted with Nick. 

     That is why he held off on texting Nick and asking the inevitable question of, are we boyfriends?, that was to come at some point. 

* * * * * * *

     Charlie only went down stairs once more that night, and that was to grab a snack as a dinner substitute. Since Oliver's passing, family meals had been becoming less frequent, and now they were completely absent.

     After finishing his packet of crisps, he effortlessly chucked the screwed up bag into the bin across the room. He shuffled off the bed and went to his electric drum kit. Playing it was a usual occurrence for Charlie when he was stressed, upset or just simply bored, and that's what he did. He played until his hands hurt, his ears were ringing and his sister banged on the wall and told him to shut up. 

     Once changed and ready for bed, he simply lay under the covers and went on his phone until his eyes physically couldn't stay open anymore.

* * * * * * *

     "Do you wanna play Mario Kart?" Charlie looked at Tori hopefully, trying to lighten her glum demeanour.

     It was just after noon, Saturday, and the both of them where aimlessly sitting on the sofa in the living room with no intentions of going anywhere or even leaving the couch. 

     "No," She sighed in reply, "It doesn't feel right without him." 

     Charlie was convinced she hadn't said Ollie's name since it happened. 

     "Well, Ollie wouldn't want us just sitting here whilst the wii collects dust. And he'd want you to practice, 'cause we all know you're shit." Charlie joked. He chuckled lightly in accomplishment when a small smile grew on Tori's lips.

     Before she could reply though, Charlie's phone pinged in his pocket. 


Hi! Something kinda exciting just happened.

I came out to my mum as pan!!

Oh and btw, I'm pansexual :)


But I was super nervous for nothing cause she just accepted it

Anyway... Just thought I'd let you know

Since we're together  ❤️

     Charlie smiled a big grin as he read each message. He didn't even know that Nick wasn't out, but he's so proud of him either way.


I'm so proud!!

He now felt the courage to ask that question, based off the confidence from Nick's messages, especially the last one.


So, Are we boyfriends?

Like professionally I guess?


I would like that x

If you would





Ok!! xx

Sry, gtg my mum needs me

Speak later ❤️


Yeah xx

Bye ❤️

     And with that, he slipped his phone back into his pocket. When he looked up, Tori was giving him a questioning look. 

"Was that Nick?"


"What's going on there? Like are you boyfriends or something? 'Cause I see the way you smile whenever you're texting him."

"Yea. We're boyfriends, if you must know. Right. Let's play Mario!" He quickly changed the subject.

It's official 




Ignore mistakes. I haven't read it through.

Don't worry, there's an epilogue coming. 

And don't come at me for another shitty chapter ending. :)

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