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"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light"

-Albus Dumbledore 


     Charlie slowly pushed open the door to the backroom of the café, revealing his almost-asleep father lounging in the uncomfortable wooden chair. 

     "Dad?" He spoke softly, but just loud enough to snap him out of his near slumber.

     "Hmm? Yes son?" Julio mumbles, sitting up from his slouched position. 

     "I was just gonna hang out with Nick at the park for a bit, my shift's over so.." 

     "Uh, I don't know. Your mother said she wanted you home when your shift finishes." 

     "I know, but it's just a few minutes walk from home, and I'll only be around an hour or so. It's not even that late!" Charlie negotiated. He didn't want his depressed mum to make his life more depressing by not letting him hang out with his best friend.

     "Ok then," He sighed, "Just text her and tell her were you're going, I'm going to stay here and clean up a bit."

"Thanks dad! I will, love you. bye!"

"Love you too." He shouted back as Charlie left.

     Charlie rushed back into the main café area. He saw Nick waiting there innocently, and his smile grew. 

"My dad said it's cool, ready to go?"

"Yeah! My mum's fine with it too." 

     The two boys strolled out of Springs Snax Bar and down towards Nick's car. The walk to the park was only twenty minutes or so, but it'd be easier to take Nick's car now instead of having to pick it up later.

     The drive was, unsurprisingly, silent. But not awkward or tense or uncomfortable. It was peaceful and comforting in a way. Although no words were being shared, Charlie knew Nick was there for him and would be a supporting figure towards him, wether that was a friendship or relationship.

* * * * * * *

     Charlies's local park was as much of a park as you'd imagine it to be; There was a playground with swings and slides; an ongoing forest leading from behind the field; and said field, with concreted pavements weaving through it and benches scattered around. 

     There was one stray log, it had been there as long as Charlie could remember, and it supplied as the perfect natural bench.

     So that's where the two boys spent there time, letting the occasional gale pass through their hair. They were conversing, but not really having a conversation. Once again, neither boy knew what to talk about. Only small talk was shared, things like the weather, or Nick asking Charlie about schools and universities.

     "...So yeah, probably just gonna go to a uni near home, for ease and stuff." He finished, pursing his lips together and stiffly nodding, trying to pass the awkwardness. Charlie was annoyed at tension between them, it wasn't a bad tension, it was just different to the connection they had before.

     "I'm sorry," The two simultaneously blurt. Oh, I suppose there's still a connection on some level. 

     "Oh," Nick nervously chuckles, "You go first." He turns and smiles at the dark haired boy. 

     "I'm sorry this is so awkward. I mean, one bad thing happens and everything changes," Charlie sighed, looking down at the ground, "I just, I don't want things to change between us, as in our friendship, and the, connection I guess you could say. I just really like you, and I know that I went MIA for a bit, after Ollie, but I want us to at least stay friends." 

     Nick watched intently as Charlie practically voiced his mind to him.

     "Wait, you like me?" He stuttered, his nerves at an all time high on wether Charlie meant it in that way or not. 

"Oh, um, I mean yeah, but as a friend-" 

"Char, stop," Nick blurted, "I, I like you too, more than a friend."

     To say Charlie was flabbergasted, was an understatement. He was surprised, yet over the moon, yet confused, yet beaming! "You like me? Oh my god."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, no. Sorry, I'm just surprised, and really happy!" 

     Nick's grin widened, he moistened his chapped lips and made eye contact witch him, "I'm really happy too!" Nick moved his arm and slung it around Charlie.

     Charlie rested him head on Nick's shoulder and Nick the same on Charlie's head. The sight was adorable, the two of them snuggled close on a log. 

      Relief overtook Charlie at the fact that he now knew that the boy who he secretly admired, was his secret admirer. He also felt truly happy, for the first time since the accident.

     Does this mean they're boyfriends. It seems it. But Charlie probably shouldn't ask. He can't ruin the moment by possibly making another awkward scenario.



There, you, go!

THEY'RE FINALLY OUT!! To each other at least. 

This chapter is so cute. They're soo cute!

If you liked it... vOtE... cOmMeNt !!


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