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"When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew."

-William Shakespeare


     Nick and Charlie couldn't stop exchanging quiet glances. From just plain staring at each other to silently laughing at who knows what.

     It was like a game of Tetris. Nick was the block above, waiting to be dropped, and out of all the other people, he fitted perfectly with Charlie and Charlie only. It's like they had found immediate comfort in each other. They had fitted together at a deeper level than you ever really would with someone you just met.


     When he looked back over to his mates, they were all giving him a knowing look.

     "what?" Nick asked, confused by all the stares.

     Otis just raised his eyebrows, turned away and muttered a small 'nothing' with a smirk evident on his lips. 

     They say silence is over rated, and this situation was the proof. An awkward kind of quiet was broken when Nick realised that "It's getting late, so uh, we should probably go back before it's completely dark." 

     Christian, Sai and Otis all agreed and with that they began walking to the exit.

     Nick, once again, thanked the cute clerk, "Thank you again for the amazing drinks uh-"

"Charlie", he finished with a grin.

"Charlie, nice name. I'm uh Nick by the way."

     By this point the other boys had left and began making their way back to the car park.

     "Do you want to maybe exchange numbers, you don't have to I just think you're a cool guy and like you know would love to be friends but if you don-" Charlie rambled, a feeling of regret for even asking growing with every spoken word.

"I would, and I'd love to be friends too." Nick finished with his lips perking up at each side.

     The two quickly swapped numbers and said their 'byes'.

     Nick then proceeded towards his friends so they could ride home. 

* * * * * * * 

     It was now 10:30pm, long after he'd arrived home. Nick hadn't texted his new friend yet because he didn't want to seem desperate, but then he started thinking what if Charlie was doing the same? what if Charlie didn't think Nick cared about him because HE hadn't texted? What if- Nick's thoughts were cut off when his phone buzzed and he looked down next to him at the screen. It read Charlie Spring



It's Charlie btw

     Nick instantly smiled and clicked on the notifications, opening up a new instagram chat with him.





I'm good. sry I didn't txt sooner I had to close up the shop and stuff. 


It's all good. I would've texted earlier but didn't wanna seem desperate lol

     Nick was very open and honest with Charlie, which was strange, as he's usually quite a closed of person.

     Again... Connection.


Ha, sounds like something I'd do tbh.

So, mysterious Nick. Tell me about yourself.

     He chuckled and started typing.


I'm Nick Nelson, 19 yrs old, from Dewlsbry. I like rugby a lot and wanna be a professional player when I'm older. My mates and I quit uni cos we were bored and wanted to have fun in life. Probs not the best idea ever, but we are having fun. I've got two dogs Nellie and Henry and I live with my mum.


Haha, it's not a dating show!

But that's good info to know lol


Whatever, just getting to the point.

Anyways, Charlie Spring, tell me more about you?




Sorry it's short, but it'll hopefully be worth it for next chapter.

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