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"Love isn't something you find, love is something that finds you."

-Loretta Young


     You know that feeling when you first wake up, you're not thinking about what you have to do or when to get up, you're just willing for 5 more minutes of sleep. Well, that feeling was absent this Sunday morning for the Truham boy.

     Once again, Charlie had forgotten to draw his curtains shut the night before, so a blinding beam of morning light shone through his shutters and startled him awake as the sun directed itself onto his eyes.

     He groaned out of pure tiredness and rubbed his already re-shutting eyes. Why did he stay up till 4am reading watt pad!? He pushed through the weariness and sat up. Charlie then, quite spontaneously, went from being extremely tired and drowsy to extremely excited and very much, fully awake.

     He was seeing Nick today! The boy who he met at the café and fell for oh so easily. Hey, that just proves how absolutely golden-retriever-cute-smile-lovely-eyed Nick is!

     To say Charlie was excited for the day ahead, was an understatement, a fairly big one at that.

     However, he may have been a little to hyped up, based on the fact that he was so focussed on seeing Nick, he didn't realise that his feet were still tangled in the cover of his duvet. At the attempt of standing up, he face-planted the floor below. Fortunately, instead of his hardwood floor colliding with his, now slightly sore, cheek, it was the fluffy, comforting rug he had laid out. Charlie's quick brain did note that he was practically centimetres away from hitting the rougher surface, and with him being so positive today already, took it as a sign that the rest of the day would go, well, good, to say the least.

     Charlie pushed himself up onto his hands and somewhat slithered out of bed, pulling the duvet with him. 

     Once he had untangled the bundled mess that lay at his feet, he chucked the comforter onto his bed, not bothering to make it, and went to his wardrobe.

     Something you should now about Charlie, is that he isn't very big on fashion. Apart from school sixth-form, he only really had around four outfits, five if he got creative. These consisted of; three pairs of ripped jeans, two blue and one black; four flannel shirts, all random shades of the same colour; and countless plain tees ranging from all complexions of the rainbow.

     Although to an average person this sounded boring and unnatural, it made it incredibly easy for Charlie to choose what to wear. Usually.

     Today, Charlie felt the need to look perfect, he wanted to be perfect for Nick. I know this sounds quite american-highschool-movie-ish, but it's true. He obviously wants to make a good impression and not look like a rat.

     Eventually, he chose the perfect outfit, black jeans with a hole in each knee, a pale orange tee, and a red slash pinkish flannel shirt over the top. Yes. Very surprising. But Charlie thought it looked good, which it did, and that is all that matters. 

* * * * * * *

     When downstairs, he grabbed his North Face puffer coat off of the hook, then made his way to the living room. He was met with the heartwarming sight of Ollie and his dad, Julio, playing Mario Kart together. As laughter and competitive words were shared between the two, Charlie couldn't help but smile with them. 

     After a moment of just admiring the father-son bond, he cleared his throat in an attempt to get his dad's attention. Much to Charlie's convenience, the two had just finished a game, Ollie winning of course, and Julio's head snapped towards Charlie.

    "Hello Charlie! Did you sleep alright?" Julio questioned, putting the Wii controller to one side.

     "Yeah," Charlie replied simply, "I was gonna go out and meet a friend, just thought I'd let you know I'll be about five hours maybe. So back at around 3:30?" He finished as he slipped each arm through the jacket sleeves.

     "Right," Julio carried out sceptically, "What friend?" 

     "Some guy called Nick, I met him at the café on Friday and we've been texting since. He lives in Dewlsbry so I'm going to see him today." He beamed, a wide grin growing across his face, dimples getting deeper each second.

     "Okay, and this Nick, he's not some random creep guy is he, I mean you just met him-"

     Charlie groaned in annoyance yet a bit of amusement too, "No, he's like a year and a bit older than me. And he's definitely not 'some random creep' " He stated, quoting the air, repeating his dad's annoying antics.

     "Alright then. Just let your mum know then you can go."

     "Will do," Charlie replied, "Mum! I'm going out!" He shouted, proceeding towards the front door. 

     "Umm ok," Jane shouted back in reply. "With tho?" She queried.

     "A friend." Were his lasts words before leaving his house and making his way to the train station. Charlie knew his mother meant well, and was just being protective, but they had never had the best relationship per say, so a question such as that could set him off. She was always way too protective over him for some reason. Well, not some reason, Charlie knew it was because of his mental illness and health issues, which is probably why it annoyed him more.

* * * * * * *

     When he arrived at the station it had just hit 10:40, and his train was at 10:50, so he'd better hurry. Even though it was only be a twenty minute ride, he would much prefer that then walking or his parents driving him, since he had not yet gained his licence.

     Once on the tube, he sent a message to Nick.


On my way! Be about 30 mins



Can't wait to see you again ❤️

     His heart fizzed at the emoji. What does this mean? Nope! Don't get your hopes up!


You too! ❤️




Hope you liked this Charlie Chapter, it was really fun to write!

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